(a) whether instances of rampant corruption, irregularities, mismanagement and extending extra facilities in violation of the jail rules have been reported in the Tihar Jail of the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi;

(b) if so, the total number of such cases reported and action taken against the accused officials during each of the last three years and the current year; and

(c) the corrective measures taken by the Government to stop such cases in future?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Government of NCT of Delhi has intimated that the cases of corruption and illegal activities reported are dealt with departmentally. The details of such cases during the last three years and the current year are as follows:

Year	No. of Cases
2008 07 2009 08 2010 06 2011 (till date) 12

(c) The Authorities have taken a number of corrective steps so as to check such activities inside the Prison which, interalia, include the following:

(i) The service records of all the staff have been scanned to single out persons of doubtful integrity. It is emphasized on the Superintendents of the jails to ensure the integrity and upright conduct of subordinate staff under the conduct rules and to mount surveillance on those with doubtful integrity.

(ii) The staff is frequently rotated at all levels in different jails so that they do not develop vested interests on account of longer stay in any prison.

(iii) In-service training and refresher courses are conducted to sensitize all levels of staff about the legal provisions of Delhi Prison Act and Delhi Jail Manual, duties assigned to them under the Act/Manual, the level of commitment, dedication to duties and integrity.

(iv) There is an elaborate mechanism for grievance redressal of inmates and staff members and each jail has a grievance redressal committee.

(v) Director General(Prisons)’s petition boxes have been kept in the wards of every jail and the petitions are received and investigated.

(vi) Each jail has a designated Visiting Judge, who visits the jail once in two months. The petition box of the visiting judge, installed in each ward of every jail, is opened by him and action is taken on the petitions as per his orders.

(vii) In all areas of public interface, transparency has been introduced. A Citizen Charter has been published and working Manuals have been put on the Prison website.

(viii) Procedure for Mulakat(visits by relatives and friends) has been streamlined.

(ix) Staff is sensitized about their obligations as public servants to provide a corruption free administration.

(x) Tihar is on Face-Book in which the opinion of public is taken on various reformative measures introduced in the Prison and their participation in correctional activities. The public can also inform the authorities about instances of corruption on the part of Prison staff.