(a) the number of districts specially in the Adivasi regions of Maharashtra and other States affected by heavy floods, and landslides during the last three years and the extent of loss of lives and properties due to this;

(b) whether any Central Teams visited the States affected by natural calamities during the said period;

(c) if so, the State-wise details of the report presented by the such teams;

(d) the amount of compensation sought by State Government is including Maharashtra during the said period;

(e) whether the Central Government has released the said amount; and

(f) if no, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (f): It is primarily the responsibility of the State Government concerned to provide relief to its people affected by natural calamities. The Central Government supplements the efforts of the States by providing logistic and financial support. The relief assistance is provided under the Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) and National Calamity Contingency Fund (NCCF) schemes which are based on the recommendations of the Eleventh Finance Commission for a five year period from 1st April, 2000 to 31st March, 2005. The States have ready availability of funds under the CRF to which the Central Government contributes 75 per cent. Central assistance from NCCF is also provided in case the funds under CRF are inadequate. The Ministry of Home Affairs in consultation with the State Governments have also laid down the norms and guidelines for incurring the expenditure out of CRF/NCCF. The Central Teams are deputed wherever the assistance from NCCF is contemplated. The Central assistance is considered taking into account the reports of the Central Teams, the norms and guidelines, the funds available under CRF and the resources of the States. The fixed number of districts specially in Adivasi regions of Maharashtra and other States affected by natural calamities was not specifically mentioned by the States while seeking Central assistance. The details of State wise, calamity wise and year wise assistance released from NCCF for the last three years are given in Annexure-I.

The details of Central share of the CRF released to the States during the last three years are given in Annexure-II.

The damage details as available in the Ministry of Home Affairs, State wise, year wise for the last three years are given in Annexure-III.

Annexure -I

Statewise details of the funds released from NCCF for natural calamities during 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2004-05

(As on 16.3.2005)
(Rs. in crores)
Sl.No. States Calamity Assis- Assis Net releases from NCCF tance tance after adjustment of funds sought appr- available under CRF of by oved the States State 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
1 Andhra Pradesh Drought 1880.00 174.61 0.00 - -$ Drought ( subsidy to farmers) - 45.04 13.72 - - Drought ( freight charges) - 0.47 0.47 - - Drought (review) - 224.43 45.75 64.04 - Drought 859.88 155.50 - 50.58 - Drought ( freight charges) - 2.13 - 2.13 - Cyclone 367.47 30.89 - - 0.00$ Drought 942.99 70.77 - - 0.00$ Drought 1199.68 141.47 - - 17.88 Tsunami Dec. 26th Dec. 04 342.67 47.19 - - 100.00 Drought (review) - 22.13 - - 0.00$
Total 5592.69 914.63 59.94 116.75 117.88
2 Arunachal Pr. Floods 134.63 19.68 12.78 - - Floods 349.06 39.32 - 26.79 - Floods/ Landslides (review) 349.06 3.00 - 3.00 - Floods 510.95 20.33 - - 9.09
Total 994.64 82.33 12.78 29.79 9.09
3 Assam Floods 484.19 118.34 0.00 - -$ Floods 1134.45 70.72 - 0.00 -$ Floods (ad-hoc released) 1875.41 345.37 - - 55.00 Floods 1875.41 345.37 - - 116.87 Floods(supplimentary+Oct.04 ) 630.45 39.68 - - 39.68
Total 4124.50 574.11 0.00 0.00 211.55
4 Bihar Floods 847.72 118.68 0.00 - -$ Floods 11048.26 375.53 - - 55.00 Floods 11048.26 375.53 - - 181.77 Drought 2312.48 162.15 - - 162.15
Total 14208.46 656.36 0.00 0.00 398.92
5 Chhattisgarh Drought 880.66 92.73 45.85 - - Drought ( subsidy to farmers) 35.67 35.67 - - Drought (Review) 61.89 19.16 26.83 - Floods 296.40 17.92 - 0.00 -$ Drought 04-05 654.96 93.44 - - 52.74
Total 1832.02 301.65 100.68 26.83 52.74
6 Gujarat Drought 895.34 150.29 0.00 - -$ Drought (freight charges) - 23.29 23.29 - - for Gaushalas/Cattle Camps - - - 5.15 - Drought (freight charges) - 7.18 - 7.18 - Floods 431.02 20.08 - 20.08 - Floods 770.05 94.04 - - 55.00
Total 2096.41 294.88 23.29 32.41 55.00
7 Haryana Drought 1895.98 109.65 0.00 - -$ Drought ( subsidy to farmers) - 34.35 - - - For Gaushalas - - - 2.20 -
Total 1895.98 144.00 0.00 2.20 0.00
8 Himachal Pr. Drought 155.86 39.45 9.80 - - Drought ( subsidy to farmers) - 4.05 4.05 - - Drought ( review) - 25.67 0.20 0.30 - Floods 131.80 34.81 - 0.00 -$
Total 287.66 103.98 14.05 0.30 0.00
9 J & K Drought 1623.98 31.75 0.00 - -$ Avalanches/ heavy snowfall 1617.09 125.50 - - 50.00
Total 3241.07 157.25 0.00 0.00 50.00
10 Jharkhand Drought 1467.25 42.06 0.00 - -$ Drought 928.12 139.82 - - 12.57
Total 2395.37 181.88 0.00 0.00 12.57
11 Karnataka Hailstorm 70.51 1.69 0.00 - -$ Drought 1562.85 221.46 171.28 - - Drought ( subsidy to farmers) - 17.90 17.90 - - Drought (Review) - 61.63 7.70 10.77 - Drought 1881.55 167.81 - 115.86 - Floods 34.77 7.54 - 7.54 - Drought (Ad-hoc released) 2878.00 247.62 - 50.00 - Drought 2878.00 167.17 - 71.85 - Drought (EG cash compt.) 2878.00 60.45 - 60.45 - Drought (suppl. Nutrition) 2878.00 20.00 - - 14.48 Drought 1147.72 83.67 - - 24.57
Total 7575.40 1056.94 196.88 316.47 39.05
12 Kerala Drought 1047.08 13.57 0.00 - -$ Floods 146.32 14.11 0.00 - -$ Drought (originalnal Memor.) 1359.03 49.04 0.00 - -$ Drought (additional Memor.) 2844.90 28.53 - - 0.00$ Tsunami Dec. 26th Dec. 04 1358.77 84.10 - - 100.00 Drought (spl. Relief) 106.00 106.00 - - 53.00 - 106.00 - - 53.00
Total 6862.10 295.35 0.00 0.00 206.00
13 Madhya Pradesh Hailstorm 80.95 4.37 0.00 - -$ Drought-2001-02 253.84 34.62 34.62 - - Drought 819.62 125.89 95.03 - - Drought ( subsidy to farmers) - 36.90 36.90 - - Drought (freight charges) - 0.23 0.23 - - Drought (review) - 75.99 16.56 23.17 - Hailstorm 128.16 - - 0.00 -$ for Gaushalas/Cattle Camps - 0.10 - 0.10 - For Gaushalas - 0.61 - 0.61 - Floods 201.83 12.84 - 12.84 - Drought 725.69 36.30 - 1.70 -
Total 2210.09 327.85 183.34 36.72 1.70
14 Maharashtra Drought 500.00 48.40 0.00 - -$ Rain/ Floods 153.56 15.46 0.00 - -$ Drought 1730.61 20.00 20.00 - - Drought (review) - 46.50 0.00 - -$ Drought 1715.00 160.61 - 44.25 - Drought (EGS- one time) 1715.00 33.21 - 33.21 - Drought 680.96 201.16 - - 165.3325 Drought - 201.16 - - 7.90
Total 4780.13 525.34 20.00 77.46 173.23
15 Manipur Floods 337.45 15.56 7.07 - -
Total 337.45 15.56 7.07 0.00 0.00
16 Meghalaya Floods 212.50 12.30 - - 6.16
Total 212.50 12.30 0.00 0.00 6.16
17 Mizoram Floods etc 51.15 13.29 - - 10.68
Total 51.15 13.29 0.00 0.00 10.68
18 Nagaland Floods/ cyclonic wind 21.45 3.36 - - 1.81
Total 21.45 3.36 0.00 0.00 1.81
19 Orissa Floods of 2001 (Air dropping) 16.41 16.41 16.41 - - Drought 871.40 120.18 0.00 - -$ Drought ( subsidy to farmers) - 61.58 5.29 - - Drought ( freight charges) - - 0.14 - - Drought (review) - 61.58 - 0.00 -$
Floods 1793.05 173.34 - 50.00 - 1793.05 173.34 - 54.43 -
Floods 348.78 53.40 - - 0.00
Air lifting charges for Super 53.44 53.44 - - 53.44 Cyclone 1999- on actual basis
Total 3083.08 539.93 21.84 104.43 53.44

20 Punjab Drought 3529.44 125.41 0.00 - -
Total 3529.44 125.41 0.00 0.00 0.00
21 Rajasthan For Goshalas (Calttel care) - 11.66 11.66 - - Drought 7519.76 207.68 0.00 - -$ Drought ( subsidy to farmers) - 164.92 155.68 - - Drought ( freight charges) - 7.40 7.40 - - Drought (review) - 682.35 259.34 363.10 - for Gaushalas/Cattle Camps - - - 14.48 - Drought (Composit Team) review 134.79 - 99.83 - Drought ( freight charges) 35.33 - 35.33 - Drought 04-05 2378.64 332.27 - - 108.00
Total 9898.40 1576.40 434.08 512.74 108.00
22 Sikkim Floods/ heavy rains 50.55 13.05 - - 9.90
Total 50.55 13.05 0.00 0.00 9.90
23 Tamil Nadu Drought 1545.76 228.30 109.70 - - Drought ( subsidy to farmers) - 23.36 23.36 - - Drought - 258.44 82.93 116.10 -
Drought 2283.73 292.95 - 50.00 - 2283.73 292.95 - 123.35 -
Drought 1910.58 156.84 - - 117.27 Tsunami Dec. 26th Dec. 04 4528.66 617.20 - - 250.00 Tsunami Dec. 26th Dec. 04 4528.66 617.20 - - 367.20 Floods - Oct.04 411.73 48.67 - - 48.67
Total 10680.46 1625.76 215.99 289.45 783.14
24 Tripura Floods 75.46 8.67 - - 0.05
Total 75.46 8.67 0.00 0.00 0.05
25 Uttar Pradesh Drought 7539.79 481.10 237.65 - - Drought ( subsidy to farmers) - 72.41 72.41 - - For Gaushalas - - - 0.98 - Floods 1685.14 222.23 - 40.89 - Drought 7226.10 360.94 - - 192.10
Total 16451.03 1136.68 310.06 41.87 192.10
26 Uttranchal Drought 401.81 10.62 0.00 - -$ Drought ( subsidy to farmers) - 3.78 0.00 - -$ Drought - 0.00 0.00 - -$ Floods/ Landslides 80.23 13.56 - 0.00 -$ Drought 411.87 3.24 - - 0.00$
Total 893.91 31.20 0.00 0.00 0.00
Grand Total #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
CRF = Calamity Relief Funds to which central Government contribute 75%. NCCF = National Calamity Contingency Fund i.e. the National Fund. $ = State Governments have unspent amount under CRF, to meet the expenditure out of available funds. # = recommended for release.


Statement showing Statewise details on release of CRF during the last three years (till date)
(Rs. In Crore)
Sl.No. State Centre`s share of CRF allocatted/released
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 (till date)
1 Andhra Pradesh 163.77 171.96 180.56 2 Arunchal Pradesh 9.94 10.44 10.96 3 Assam 83.92 88.12 92.52 4 Bihar 55.37 58.14 61.05 5 Chhattisgarh 22.72 23.85 25.03 6 Goa 1.03 1.08 1.13 7 Gujarat 133.46 140.13 147.14 8 Haryana 67.23 70.59 74.12 9 Himachal Pradesh 35.96 37.75 39.64 10 Jammu & Kashmir 28.86 30.30 31.82 11 Jharkhand 46.88 49.22 25.84$ 12 Karnataka 61.66 64.74 67.98 13 Kerala 55.60 58.38 61.30 14 Madhya Pradesh 51.78 54.39 57.10 15 Maharashtra 129.99 136.49 143.31 16 Manipur 4.03# 0.00$ 0.00$ 17 Meghalaya 3.26 3.42 3.59 18 Mizoram 2.46 2.58 2.71 19 Nagaland 1.62 1.70 1.79 20 Orissa 90.52 95.04 99.79 21 Punjab 101.47 106.55 111.87 22 Rajasthan 171.16 179.72 188.71 23 Sikkim 5.71 6.00 6.30 24 Tamil Nadu 84.87 89.11 93.57 25 Tripura 4.30 4.51 4.74 26 Uttar Pradesh 120.95 127.00 133.36 27 Uttaranchal 26.76 28.10 29.50 28 West Bengal 83.60 87.78 92.17
Total 1648.88 1727.09 1787.60

$ = Center`s share of CRF has not been relesed for want of information relating to crediting of earlier released funds, utilisation certificate and annual report.
# = Including arrears of CRF for the previous year.


Statewise details of damage due to floods/ landslides during the last three years

Sl.No. State Years
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
lives Cattle Houses Crops lives Cattle Houses Crops lives Cattle Houses Crops lost lost (No.) area lost lost (No.) area lost lost (No.) area (No.) (No.) (in (No.) (No.) (in (No.) (No.) (in lakh lakh lakh ha.) ha.) ha.)
1 Andhra Pradesh 7 800 2 Arunchal Pradesh 11 20 7 0.10 43 12785 2115 0.48 11 0.920 3 Assam 41 482 19827 3.30 30 108 4641 3.82 448 2256 589064 80.15 4 Bihar 434 1380 396096 8.10 241 106 45175 6.05 731 2673 897427 13.95 5 Chhattisgarh 30 3058 44367 0.85 6 Gujarat 134 1152 2753 139 1071 13878 1.09 171 637 30000 7 Haryana 21 766 5000 0.81 8 Himachal Pra. 89 452 2924 0.16 3 2 92 0.58 9 Jammu & Kashmir 10 Karnataka 29 23 4183 0.07 11 Kerala 21 2335 32 2886 0.28 139 15788 12 Madhya Pradesh 4 18 735 30511 1.27 13 Maharashtra 138 593 13466 260 977 9459 283 552 4468 1.00 14 Manipur 2 3024 0.49 15 Meghalaya 3 3 3 4913 2604 16 Mizoram 6 2 Nagaland 211 0.004 17 Orissa 60 2474 184843 4.78 7 95 0.4 18 Punjab 17 482 12434 0.28 19 Rajasthan 2564 0.17 20 Sikkim 4 300 21 Tamil Nadu 78 92 30966 1.55 22 Tripura 3 14043 23 Uttar Pradesh 6 15 1615 0.33 980 3304 322244 12.92 25 24 Uttaranchal 33 87 541 neg. 20 300 499 43 16 38 25 West Bengal 4 17584 0.26 18 11917 0.04 2 768 0.451