Question : Status of Malnourishment

(a) whether the problem of malnutrition has notbeen tackled despite implementation of various schemesand programmes by the Government;
(b) whether the Union Government has established any coordination Committee on the basis of the reports furnished by Government agencies and Non-Governmental agencies working on malnutrition in the rural areas;
(c) if so, the reformative steps taken in this regard;
(d) whether the non-compliance of the regulation of the Government, lack of accountability among Government agencies and corruption at lower levels are the reasons behind rising cases of malnutrition and if so, the details thereof; and
(e) whether the Government has conducted any inquiry in this regard and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (e) Malnutrition is a complex and multi-dimensional issue, affected by a number of generic factors including poverty, inadequate food consumption due to access and availability, inequitable food distribution, improper maternal, infant and child feeding and care practices, inequity and gender imbalances, poor sanitary and environmental conditions; and restricted access to quality health, education and social care services.

As per the report of NFHS-4 conducted in 2015-16, 35.7% children under 5 years of age are underweight and 38.4% are stunted. As per the recent report of Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey (CNNS) (2016-18), the prevalence of underweight and stunting among children is 33.4% and 34.7% respectively, which indicates a reduction when compared to the levels reported by NFHS-4. Further, as per NFHS – 4, 22.9% women (15-49 years of age) have chronic energy deficiency (BMI less than 18.5) which is a decline from the previous NFHS-3 (2005-06) levels which reported 35.5% women having chronic energy deficiency.

The National Council on India’s Nutritional Challenges has been set up under the Chairpersonship of Vice-Chairman, NITI Aayog, to provide policy directions to address India’s nutritional challenges through coordinated inter-sectoral action and review programmes for nutrition on a quarterly basis. Also, an Executive Committee has been set up under the Chairpersonship of Secretary, MWCD with representation of line Ministries and States for nutrition related activities for children and women providing direction, policy and guidelines for implementation of various programmes/schemes under the POSHAN Abhiyaan.

The Government is implementing several schemes/programmes of different Ministries/Departments through States/UTs to address various aspects related to nutrition. This Ministry is implementing POSHAN Abhiyaan, Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana, Anganwadi Services and Scheme for Adolescent Girls under the Umbrella Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS) as direct targeted interventions to address the problem of malnutrition in the country.

POSHAN Abhiyaan aims to reduce malnutrition in the country in a phased manner, through a life cycle approach, by adopting a synergised and result oriented approach. The major activities undertaken under the POSHAN Abhiyan are community based events, creating awareness, advocacy community, mobilization leading to Jan Andolan- to educate the people on nutritional aspects, ensuring convergence at various levels, Information Technology enabled Common Application Software for strengthening service delivery and interventions, Capacity Building of Frontline Functionaries, incentivizing States/UTs for achieving goals etc.


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