Question : Non-Communicable and Communicable Diseases

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government had issued guidelines to take preventive measures to check non-communicable and communicable diseases in the country, if so, the details thereof;

(b) the details of major communicable and non-communicable diseases spread in the country since the last three years, State/ UT-wise;

(c) the estimated number of people died due to such drastic incidents during the said period;

(d) whether concerned State Governments had enough central assistance to tackle such situations; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): The Government is implementing programs for communicable and non-communicable diseases for which guidelines have been issued from time to time.

Non-communicable diseases are responsible for more than 62% of deaths in India. As per the NCDIR–NCRP Report on “Three-year Report of Population Based Cancer Registries: 2012-2014, Bengaluru, 2016” the estimated number of incidence of cancer cases (major Non-Communicable Disease) in India, State/UT-wise-all sites, during the last three years is enclosed at Annexure-I. The estimated mortality of cancer cases in India, State/UT-wise-all sites, during the last three years is enclosed at Annexure-II.

Details of cases and death due to major communicable diseases are as under:

The Malaria cases and deaths have declined drastically in the country. State wise cases and deaths during last three years (2016-2018) is placed at Annexure-III.
A statement showing state-wise Dengue cases & deaths reported during the last three years in the country is enclosed at Annexure-IV.

A statement showing state-wise Clinically suspected Chikungunya cases reported during the last three years in the country is enclosed at Annexure-V. Till date, there is no death reported by any State/UT directly attributable to Chikungunya.

As per government report for year 2017, it is estimated that around 87,600 new HIV infections happened in India during 2017. In the same year, around 69,000 people living with HIV /AIDS are estimated to die from AIDS related illness.

The State/UT-wise number of TB patients’ notification for the last three years is enclosed at Annexure-VI. The number of deaths reported due to TB in the last three years is enclosed at Annexure-VII.

(d) & (e): Health is a State subject, the Government of India supplements the efforts of State for primary and Secondary care interventions. Support is provided to the States as per their Programme Implementation Plan (PIPs). The Central grants released under flexible pool for Non-Communicable Disease Programmes and National Disease Control Programme under National Health Mission(NHM) for the year 2018-19 is enclosed at Annexure-VIII(a) and Annexure-VIII(b), respectively. Schemes such as PMSSY and setting up of NCIs and Second Campus of CNCI, Kolkata strengthens tertiary care in the country.

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