Question : Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana

(a) the salient features of the ‘Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana’ (PMKSY) scheme, programme/scheme-wise;

(b) whether the Government is giving financial assistance for creation of backward and forward linkages in the processed food industry under the ‘Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana’ and if so, the details thereof;

(c) the details of funds earmarked, allocated and released for implementation of PMKSY during the last three years, Statewise including Tamil Nadu;

(d) the details of physical and financial targets set and achievements made under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY) during 2016-17 and 2017-18;

(e) the number of farmers who have availed financial assistance under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana, so far; and

(f) whether the Government has invited proposals from potential promoters under the scheme for setting up of backward and forward linkages in the processed food industry of the country and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Government is implementing a Central Sector Scheme – PRADHAN MANTRI KISAN SAMPADA YOJANA (PMKSY) with an allocation of Rs.6,000 crore for the period 2016-20 coterminous with the 14th Finance Commission cycle for promotion and development of food processing sector in the country.

The following schemes are implemented under PMKSY:

(i) Mega Food Parks;
(ii) Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure;
(iii) Creation/Expansion of Food Processing & Preservation Capacities (new);
(iv) Infrastructure for Agro-processing Clusters (new);
(v) Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages (new);
(vi) Food Safety and Quality Assurance Infrastructure; and
(vii) Human Resources and Institutions.
Under these schemes, financial assistance as grant-in-aid is provided to the Project Execution Agency (PEA)/organisations such as Government/ Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)/ Joint Ventures/ Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)/ Cooperatives/ Self Help Groups (SHGs)/ Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs)/ Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs)/Private Sector/Partnership Firms/Individuals, etc., for setting up projects to create infrastructure/processing capacity, create backward and forward linkages, etc.

PMKSY is a big step towards doubling of farmers income, providing better prices to farmers, creating huge employment opportunities especially in the rural areas. It is a comprehensive package for creation of modern infrastructure with efficient supply chain management from farm gate to retail outlet. Besides providing a big boost to the growth of food processing sector in the country, it also help in reducing wastage of agricultural produce, increasing the processing level, enhancing the export of the processed foods, enabling availability of hygienic and nutritious food to consumers at affordable price.

(b): The Scheme guidelines for Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages provides that maximum admissible grant for each project is 35% of eligible project cost in general areas and 50% of eligible project cost in North East States and difficult areas subject to maximum of Rs. 5.00 crore. The grants-in-aid is credit linked but not back ended.

(c): The State-wise funds are not allotted or released under PMKSY. It is a demand driven scheme and project promoters under various schemes of PMKSY are provided grant-in-aid for their projects as per Scheme guidelines across the country including Tamil Nadu.

(d)&(e): PMKSY was approved by the Government on 03.05.2017 with the aim of leveraging investment of Rs.31400 crore, handling of 334 lakh MT agro-produce valuing Rs.1,04,125 crore, benefitting 20 lakh farmers and generating 5,30,500 direct/ indirect employment in the country by the year 2019-20.

(f): Under the Scheme for Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages, first Expression of Interest (EoI) was issued on 24.08.2017 and 31 projects were selected. Second Expression of Interest (EoI) has been issued on 07.03.2018 and last date for submission of application is 30.04.2018.


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