Question : Prevention of Cancer

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the cases of cancer in the country are increasing day-by-day despite spending crores of rupees by the Government to eradicate the disease and if so, the reaction of the Government thereto;

(b) the number of cases of cancer and death from cancer reported since 2014 along with the funds allocated to prevent the cancer during the said period, State/UT and year-wise;

(c) the salient features of the Tertiary Care for Cancer scheme being run in the country;

(d) the number of proposals received from various States under the said scheme during the last three years along with present status indicating the funds provided/utilized during the said period, State/UT-wise; and

(e) whether the Government has received any complaints of irregularities in the implementation of the said scheme and if so, the details thereof and action taken in this regard, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (e): As per the Indian Council of Medical Research’s Cancer Registry data report on “Three-year Report of Population Based Cancer Registries: 2012-2014, Bengaluru, 2016”, the estimated number of incidence of cancer cases in the country is increasing. The estimated number of incidence of cancer cases and deaths due to cancer reported from 2014 to 2018, State/UT wise are at Annexure-I and II, respectively.

To support the State/UTs for interventions upto district level, the Government of India is implementing National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) under National Health Mission (NHM). The focus is on three common cancers (oral, breast and cervical). Funds for the programme are released under the NCD Flexipool, details of which are at Annexure-III.
In addition, population based prevention, control, screening and management for hypertension, diabetes and common cancers (oral, breast and cervical) is also being implemented in more than 200 districts under NHM.

Under the Strengthening of Tertiary Care Cancer facilities scheme under NPCDCS, financial assistance is provided for setting up of State Cancer Institutes (SCIs) and Tertiary Care Cancer Centres (TCCCs) in different parts of the country. The maximum permissible assistance for SCI is Rs. 120 crores and for TCCC is Rs. 45 crores, which includes State share of 40%, except for North-Eastern and Himalayan States where the State share is 10%. The broad objective of the scheme is to develop capacity for tertiary care for cancer in States. Assistance under this scheme is for procurement of radio therapy equipment, diagnostic equipment, surgical equipment, enhancement of indoor patient facility for cancer and such other purposes relevant for diagnosis, treatment and care of cancer. Upto 30% of the approved cost can be used for construction.

The details of proposals for setting up of SCIs and TCCCs received from various States/UTs under the scheme is at Annexure-IV. The details of funds released as 1st installment of Central share to State Governments for setting up of SCI and TCCC, State/UT-wise, is at Annexure-V.

Some issues are raised by individuals/ organizations on implementation of the scheme and appropriate action is taken in such cases after examining the facts relating to them.

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