MINISTER OF THE STATE (Independent Charge) IN THE MINISTRY OF Development of Worth Eastern Region
(a) & (b) For holistic growth and development of Handicrafts and Handloom Sectors in the country
the following schemes are under implementation:-
(a) Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana;
(b) Design & Technical Up-gradation;
(c) Marketing Support and Services Schemes;
(d) Human Resource Development Scheme;
(e) Research and Development;
(f) Handicrafts Artisans Comprehensive Welfare Scheme;
(g) Rajiv Gandhi Shilpi Swasthya Bima Yojana;
(h) Handloom Weavers` Comprehensive Welfare Scheme (HWCWS);
(a) Health Insurance Scheme (HIS)
(b) Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar Bima Yojana (MGBBY)
(i) Marketing & Export Promotion Scheme (M&EPS)
(j) Diversified Handloom Development Scheme (DHDS)
(k) Integrated Handloom Development Scheme (IHDS);
(i) Mill gate Price Scheme (MGPS);
(m) Revival, Reform and Restructuring Package (RRM).
Deails showing the financial during last three years and the current
year for Plan schemes of Handloom Sctors are as under:
(Rs. in crore)
Scheme 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14(Upto 31.1.2014
IHDS 168.00 219.49 138.95 36.98
MEPS/HMA 58.59 53.59 41.37 32.85
HWCWS 116.14 68.22 127.03 47.41
MGPS 65.00 54.87 122.91 91.10
DHDS 17.78 13.34 17.08 9.55
RRR Package 200.00 291.03 250.00
(c) and (d) The North Eastern Handicrafts and Handlooms Development Corporation has been taking various measures
for the development and enhancement of skills of the artisans .traditional crafts.
The details of programmes initiated and beneficiaries thereunder during last three years and current year are given
as under:-
Year Name of programme No of Programme No of beneficiaries
2010-11 Integrated Design & Technology 05 250 Development Projects.
2011-12 Design & Technology Development 10 300 Workshop
2012-13 1. Design & Technology Development 10 300 Workshop
2.Integrated Design & Technology 04 200 Development Projects.
2013-14 1. Design & Technology Development 09 270 Workshop
2. Integrated Design & Technology 04 200 Development Projects.