Question : Abattoir Project

(a) whether an Abattoir Project has been approved in Ranchi district of Jharkhand;

(b) if so, the details of thereof;

(c) the extant status of the project;

(d) whether much delay is being caused in the implementation of the above project; and

(e) if so, the reaction of the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (e): The proposal of Ranchi Municipal Corporation for establishment of a modern abattoir of sheep and goat was approved by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries with grant-in-aid of Rs. 892.64 lakh on 10.11.2008 (which was subsequently reduced to Rs. 864.595 lakh) under the scheme for setting up / modernization of abattoirs. The project was completed on 25.09.2017and is in commercial operation.

Delay was caused during the project implementation due to public dispute, selection of Trunkey Contractor etc. which were resolved by the State Government/Municipal Corporation subsequently.

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