(a) whether the Food Safety and Standards Autho- rity has been mandated to certify the foodgrains and other commodities issued to citizens under the Public Distribution System (PDS);

(b) if so, the details of the said certifica- tion; and

(c) if not, the manner in which such foodgrains are certified for consumption before being issued to the poor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) &(b): No, Madam.

(c): There is a well defined procedure of joint inspection/sampling of foodgrains stocked with State Governments/UTs and FCI to ensure that only good quality foodgrains conforming to Food Safety Standards are issued under Public Distribution System and other welfare schemes. Government has laid down instructions to Food Secretaries of all State Governments/Union Territory Administ- rations and FCI to ensure supply of good quality foodgrains under the PDS and other welfare schemes, which are summarized as under:

(i) Only good quality foodgrains free from insect infestation and conforming to Food Safety Standards are to be issued under PDS.

(ii) Ample opportunities are to be provided to the State Governments/UTs to check the quality of foodgrains prior lifting the foodgrains stocks from FCI godowns.

(iii) Samples of foodgrains are to be colle- cted and sealed from the stocks of foodgrains to be issued jointly by FCI and State Food & Civil Supplies Department.

(iv) An officer not below the rank of Inspe- ctor is to be deputed from State Government to take the delivery of foodgrains stocks from FCI godowns.

(v) Regular inspection to check the quality of foodgrains is to be carried out by the officers of State Government and surprise checks are carried out by the officers of Quality Control Cell of the Department.

(vi) It is the responsibility of the concerned State Government/ UT Administration to ensure that during transportation and storage at di- fferent stages in the distribution chain, the foodgrains retain the required quality spec- ifications.

(vii) The State Government, where the decen- tralized procurement is in operation, should ensure that the quality of foodgrains issued under PDS and other welfare schemes should meet the desired standards under the Food Safety and Standards Act.