(a) whether the Government has taken note of the findings of the study by International Institute of Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai and also of Fourth Common Review Mission regarding the shortcomings in the working of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the action taken by the Government in this regard to remove the shortcomings; and

(c) the strategy formulated by Government for effective implementation of NRHM schemes throughout the country including Maharashtra?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Yes, Concurrent Evaluation of NRHM was done by International Institute of Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai in 2009. Findings of evaluation, which covered 187 districts across the country have been disseminated to the States. Workshops/Seminars to disseminate the findings were also held with the stakeholders at Delhi, Shillong, Varanasi, Bhubaneswar and Jaipur.

The reports of the Fourth Common Review Mission of NRHM was also shared with the State Governments in the National Dissemination Workshop held on 26th February, 2011. Corrective action on the short-comings mentioned in the reports are taken by respective State Governments. Financial requirements for taking corrective action on short-comings are projected by States in their Annual Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) under NRHM.

(c) NRHM has formulated various strategies for effective implementation throughout the country including Maharashtra which include:

# Train and enhance capacity of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) to own, control and manage public health services.

# Promote access to improved healthcare at household level through the female health activist (ASHA).

# Health Plan for each village through Village Health Committee of the Panchayat.

# Strengthening sub-centre through better human resource development, clear quality standards, better community support and an untied fund to enable local planning and action and more Multi Purpose Workers (MPWs).

# Strengthening existing PHCs and CHCs through better staffing and human resource development policy, clear quality standards, better community support and an untied fund to enable the local management committee to achieve these standards.

# Provision of a robust referral transport system.

# Preparation and implementation of an inter sectoral District Health Plan prepared by the District Health Mission, including drinking water, sanitation, hygiene and nutrition.

# Integrating vertical Health and Family Welfare programmes at National, State, District and Block levels.

# Technical support to National, State and District Health Mission, for public health Management

# Strengthening capacities for data collection, assessment and review for evidence based planning, monitoring and supervision.

# Augmenting skilled Human Resources at facilities of various levels through contractual engagement of manpower.

# Formulation of transparent policies for deployment and career development of human resource for health.

# Developing capacities for preventive health care at all levels for promoting healthy life style, reduction in consumption of tobacco and alcohol, etc.