Question : ITIHAS System

Will the Minister of ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY be pleased to State:

(a) whether the Government has launched IT enabled Integrated Hotspot Analysis System (ITIHAS) system for COIVD-19 surveillance and if so, the details thereof including the names of States where the said system has been launched along with the dates when this was launched;
(b) the details of personal data collected by the ITIHAS system; and
(c) The data sharing and access protocol of ITIHAS system?

Answer given by the minister

(a): Yes, Sir. The system is made available to all States and Union Territories from third week of May 2020.

(b): ITIHAS system provides two information at a sub- post office level to the authorized personnel of States and Union Territory;

i) Mobile numbers, Age and Gender of people who have reported Covid related symptoms through the Arogya Setu app and those were reported to be close to covid positive patients based on Bluetooth contact tracing. This is used by the concerned district officials to follow-up and provide health remedy.

ii) Based on the number of self-assessments, bluetooth contact tracing and data provided by NDMA on total aggregate of incidence of covid positive cases at sub post office level, each sub postoffice is classified as Pink (High risk), Orange (Moderate Risk), Deep Blue (Risk) and Light Blue (Low Risk). The classification at subpost office level was provided to the States.

(c): The ITIHAS platform is hosted in NIC facility and the dashboard is accessed through a secure portal of NIC. Login credentials to access the dashboard is provided only to Government officials authorised by the respective State Governments / Government of Union Territories through Two factor authentication, login and OTP. Authorised personnel of a state/UT can view data of their respective state/UT only and not of other states/UT.


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