Question : Expenditure on Health Research

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:
(a) the percentage of health budget spent on Department of Health Research;
(b) whether the Government is aware that the percentage of funds allocated to the Department of Health Research is the lowest compared to the allotment of funds to other research wings of different Departments;
(c) if so, the reasons for providing less funds for research;
(d) whether the Government proposes to increase the fund allocation for medical research; and
(e) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

(a): The expenditure of Department of Health Research (DHR) ranged from 2.89% to 3.5% of that of Department of Health & Family Welfare in the last five years.
(b) & (c): The allocation has been lower as compared to the allocations for similar Departments engaged in research, namely, Department of Agricultural Research & Education (DARE), Department of Science & Technology (DST) and Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR).
The Department of Health Research was created as a new Department in 2007-08 and its full-fledged working started from 2013-14 after the roll out of various schemes for infrastructure development and human resource & capacity development for promotion of health research in the country. Since then, with the increase in the activities and research programmes of DHR-Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the allocation and expenditure has been increasing every year. The expenditure of Department of Health Research has increased from Rs.564.56 crores in 2008-09 to Rs.1808.03 crores in 2019-20.

(d) & (e): The Department has created research infrastructure for promoting health research activities, undertaken health research activities in infectious and non-communicable diseases, trained human resources and has contributed significant interventions for containing infectious disease outbreaks/ epidemics, including COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, there has been a gradual increase in the allocation for the Department of Health Research from Rs. 567 crores in RE 2008-09 to Rs.4062.30 crores in RE 2020-21, which also includes Rs.2100 crores of Emergency COVID-19 package.

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