(a) the details of gender-wise enrolment for primary and secondary level schools in the country during the last three years and the current year, State-wise and class-wise;

(b) whether there is an increase in the drop out rate of both genders at primary and secondary level schools;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor during the last three years, gender-wise, class-wise and State-wise;

(d) whether the rate of school drop outs of children, both boys and girls, in rural areas is more than that of the urban areas in the country; and

(e) if so, the steps taken by the Government to check such drop outs and the success achieved in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a): State/UT-wise number of students enrolled at the primary and secondary levels during the years

2007-08, 2008-09(Provisional) and 2009-10(Provisional) is given at Annex-I and II.

(b) to (d): Gender-wise drop out rate for the Classes I-V and Classes I-X during 2007-08, 2008-09 (Provisional) and 2009-10(Provisional) in the country is given below:

Classes	Dropout rate	2007-08	2008-09 (Provisional)	2009-10 (Provisional)
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total I-V 25.70 24.41 25.09 26.68 22.90 24.93 30.25 27.25 28.86 I-X 56.55 57.33 56.71 55.82 55.95 55.88 53.38 51.97 52.76
State-wise details are at Annex III & IV. Drop out rates are not maintained separately for rural and urban areas. The incidence of high drop out rate may be attributed to inadequate school infrastructure and facilities, adverse pupil teacher ratio, children engaged in household or other kinds of work, seasonal migration etc.

(e): Government has been making consistent progress to meet the goals of Universal Elementary Education through implementation of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Programme. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009, which became operational with effect from 1st April, 2010, provides that every child in the 6 to 14 age-group shall have a right to free and compulsory education till completion of elementary education. The SSA Framework of Implementation has been revised to correspond with the provisions of the RTE Act 2009 and the SSA programme is being implemented in accordance with the norms and standards of the RTE Act to enhance enrolment and retention of children and to bridge gender gaps in elementary education. A multi–pronged approach has been adopted for reducing dropout rates. This includes inter-alia strengthening of school infrastructure and facilities, residential hostel buildings for children in habitations un-served by regular schools, provisioning for additional teachers, regular training of teachers, provision for text books and uniforms to children. Mid Day Meal Scheme is also being implemented with a view to enhance enrolment and retention of children in school. Further, Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan has been launched for universal access to secondary education.