(a) & (b): Production of textile items showed an increasing trend except during the year 2011-12.
However for man- made filament yarn, the decline has been witnessed in all three years and the current
year. The details of production of textile items during the last three years and current year (Apr-Jun)
is given below:-
Items Unit 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 (April-Jun) (Prov.) (Prov.) 2013-14 2012-13
Cotton yarn Mn.Kg 3490 3126 3567 937 843
Man made fibre Mn.Kg. 1285 1234 1263 321 313
Man made Mn.Kg. 1550 1463 1372 329 356
filament yarn
spurn yarn Mn.Kg. 4713 4372 4850 1259 1141
Cotton fabric Mn. 31718 30570 34151 8663 8325 Sq. mtr
Fabrics Mn. 62559 60453 62583 15749 15420
wool & silk)
The reason for increase / decrease in production is largely on account of increase / decrease in
consumption / demand for domestic use and export of the textile items. With a view to increase the
production of these products, Government is implementing schemes i) Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme ii) Integrated Scheme for Powerloom SectorDevelopment iii) Scheme for Integrated Textile Park iv)
Schemes for Technical Textiles.
State-wise production data is available only for cotton yarn and spun yarn and is given in Annexure-I.
(c) The Govt. has not fixed any production target for textile items. However, the Working Group on
Textile and Jute Industry for Twelfth Plan made projection for production of spun yarn, man-made fibre,
man-made filament yarn during Twelfth Five Year Plan given as under: The Working Group has not indicated
any production target for apparels.
Projected production of spun yarn, man-made fibre, man-made filament yarn during Twelfth Five Year Plan
Item Unit 2012- 2013- 2014- 2015- 2016- 13 14 15 16 17
Cotton yarn Mn.Kg. 3904 4215 4554 4918 5312
Spun yarn Mn.Kg. 5292 5716 6173 6667 7201
Man-made Fibre Mn.Kg. 1461 1765 1899 2042 2197
Man-made Mn.Kg. 2428 2687 2974 3292 3644
Cotton cloth Mn.Sq. 36693 41096 46027 51551 57737 mtr.
(d): Government has formulated the National Fiber Policy 2010 with a decadal perspective for promotion of
textiles industry in the country;
(e): The National Fiber Policy has been designed with a decadal perspective of 2010-20 and seeks to
place India firmly on the World Fibre map by strengthening the existing policy framework and providing
institutional and technological support for raped Fibre growth in the country in the coming decade. The
recommendations of the National Fiber Policy have been incorporated into the 12th Five Year Plan
recommendations of the Ministry of Textiles.