(a) : Since 1999, the Ministry of Rural Development was implementing Swarnjayanti Gram SwarozgarYojana (SGSY) which has been restructured as National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM). SGSY aimed at providing sustainable income to rural BPL families through income generating assets / economic activities so as to bring them out of poverty line. It was a process oriented scheme involving processes like organization of the rural poor (BPL) in to Self-Help Groups (SHGs) through social mobilization, capacity building & training, provision of revolving fund, making available credit and subsidy, technology, infrastructure and marketing. Thrust was on empowerment of the vulnerable sections of the society, i.e. 50% for SCs/STs, 40% for women, 15% for minorities and 3% for disabled persons. NRLM has been launched in June 2011. After a transition period of two years, SGSY has ceased to exist with effect from 1st April, 2013.
(b):- Under SGSY no such survey has been conducted. Further, NRLM has been launched in June 2011. It is too early to conduct any such survey under NRLM.
(c) to (e):- Under SGSY, the Central Government had not released any funds for works. However, out of the allocated funds, SGSY provided for utilization of funds up to the extent of 20% (25% in the case of North Eastern States) for infrastructure and minor works. It was largely for bridging the gaps, if any, in essential infrastructure requirement for livelihood activities by Self Help Groups (SHGs). With the termination of SGSY with effect from 1.4.2013, the unspent balances under SGSY were transferred to State Rural Livelihoods Missions (SRLMs) for meeting expenditure under NRLM. The total SGSY balance transferred to NRLM as on 30th June, 2015 amounts to Rs. 1571.11 crore. Seven States have refunded a total amount of Rs. 771.03 crore out of their excess balance to the Government of India.
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