(a) whether attention of the Government has been drawn to the news-item captioned `Landmine casualty rate spark concern` appearing in the Hindustan Times dated March 8, 2002;

(b) if so, the details and full facts of the matter reported therein;

(c) the number of defence personnel and civilian killed on account of landmine blasts on border during the last two years, month-wise;

(d) the compensation paid to the next kith and kin of the defence as well as civilian deceased in that blasts; and

(e) the action taken by the Government to minimise the defence as well as civilian casualties?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): A Statement is attached.


Government is aware of the news-item captioned `Landmine casualty rate spark concern` appearing in the Hindustan Times dated March 8, 2002.

Mine laying is always a hazardous task and casualties are acceptable even in training. The details of Army personnel killed on account of accidental landmine blasts and Improvised Explosives Device (IRD) blasts during the last two years from 1st January 2000 to 30th April, 2002 month-wise are as under:-

Month	2000	2001	2002
January - 4 17 February 3 2 3 March 5 5 2 April 2 1 6 May - 5 - June 1 1 - July - 5 - August 1 6 - September 2 13 - October 1 6 - November 7 3 - December 2 35 -
Total 24 86 28

In spite of all precautionary measures taken by the Army, civilian casualties occur when the civilians enter the fenced mine fields to tend to their crops or in pursuit of livestock. The details of all civilians killed in landmine blasts are not separately maintained.

As far as the Army personnel are concerned, a comprehensive compensation welfare package has been approved as under:-

(i) Ex-gratia to all casualties @ Rs. 7.5 lakhs plus liberalised family pension, Insurance and other benefits, if casualty occurs during `OP PARAKARAM` or in any other battle.

(ii) If casualty occurs during testing of mine, an ex-gratia of Rs. 5 lakhs plus special family pension, Insurance and other benefits are given.

The Civilian victims of militancy including casualty on account of mine blast are provided ex-gratia relief by the State Government of Jammu & Kashmir for death, injury etc caused in a terrorist incident as under:-

Rs. 1 lakh is paid to the next-of-kin in case of death, Rs. 75,000/-, Rs. 5,000/- and Rs. 1,000/- for permanent disability, grievous injury and minor injury respectively.

To minimise the Defence as well as civilian casualties on account of the landmine blasts, the Army observe the following drill:-

(i) Mine laying is done by personnel who are specially trained for the purpose.

(ii) New mines & fuzes are being procured to replace the old inventories.

(iii) Whenever there is any casualty, a high level inquiry is ordered to ascertain the causes and take remedial measures, if required.

(iv) Danger sign boards in vernacular are placed along the perimeter of marked minefields.

(v) Army personnel regularly patrol the minefield perimeter.

(vi) Army personnel interact with the villagers and educate them on the dangers of minefields.

(vii) Instructions have also been conveyed to civil administration including village Sarpanch and Nambardar etc. about the danger of entering minefields.