Question : Recruitment in Central Universities

(a) whether the Government has recently done recruitment for the post of Professors, Associate
Professors, Assistant Professors to various faculties in Central Universities, including the CUTN
Central University of Tamil Nadu;
(b) if so, the details thereof and the vacancy position as on date;
(c) the posts filled so far, Department-wise;
(d) the steps taken by the Government for filling up of vacancies Department-wise; and
(e) whether the Government has appointed anyone who have worked in Private Universities in a
foreign country abroad as Professor or Associate professor in CUTN?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): The Central Universities being autonomous bodies created under Acts of Parliament,
are competent to make appointments on various posts including teaching posts and the Government
has no role in this regard. Occurring and filling up of vacancies in Central Universities (CUs) is a
continuous process. Out of total number of 17092 sanctioned teaching posts in 40 CUs including
Central University of Tamil Nadu, as on 1.4.2018, 5606 teaching posts are lying vacant. The
University wise details of sanctioned, filled up and vacant teaching posts are annexed.
(d) : Vacancies at various levels occur due to retirements, resignations, deaths, deputations,
expansion and opening of new institutions etc. The responsibility to fill up the vacant teaching posts
lies with the Universities. Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and UGC
continuously monitor the filling up of the vacancies in CUs. This issue is discussed regularly in
meetings with Vice Chancellors chaired by Minister of Human Resource Development and also in
the Conference of Vice-Chancellors held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble President of India. The
various steps taken by MHRD and UGC in this regard include:
(i) Five Visitor’s nominees have been provided to all CUs for Selection Committees of
teachers in order to expedite the recruitment process,
(ii) It is clearly mentioned in UGC (Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and
other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of
Standards in Higher Education) Regulations, 2010 that all the sanctioned / approved posts
in the university system shall be filled up on an urgent basis.
(iii) UGC has framed the guidelines for empanelment of Adjunct-Faculty in Universities and
Colleges. These guidelines enable higher educational institutions to access the eminent
teachers and researchers who have completed their formal association with University /
College, to participate in teaching, to collaborate and to stimulate research activities for
quality research at M.Phil and Ph. D. levels, and to play mentoring and inspirational role.
(iv) Further, UGC initiated a scheme called Operation Faculty Recharge for augmenting the
research and teaching resources of universities to tackle the shortage of faculty in
university system.
(v) In order to meet the situation arising out of shortage of teachers in universities and other
teaching institutions and the consequent vacant positions therein, the age of superannuation
for teachers in Central Educational Institutions has already been enhanced to 65 years
w.e.f. 23.3.2007.
(vi) Besides, subject to availability of vacant positions and fitness, teachers can also be reemployed
on contract appointment beyond the age of 65 years and upto the age of 70 years.
(e): The appointment of the teaching position is being done by the concerned Central University
and not by MHRD/UGC. The Central University of Tamil Nadu has intimated that one Professor and
two Associate Professors of the University had worked abroad prior to joining in Central University
of Tamil Nadu.

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