Question : Ongoing Projects

(a) whether the targets set for irrigation works in Maharashtra have been achieved, if so, the details thereof and if not the reasons therefor;
(b) whether the Government has conducted any inquiry in this regard if so, the details and the outcome thereof;
(c) the names of the ongoing irrigation projects in Maharashtra running behind schedule along with the project wise cost overruns if any; and
(d) the quantum of funds provided for completion of the irrigation projects in Maharashtra during each of the last three years including the details of the works undertaken with the same?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) Water Resources Projects are planned, funded, executed and maintained by the State Governments themselves as per their own resources and priority. In order to supplement the efforts of the State Governments, MoWR, RD & GR provides financial assistance to State Governments to encourage sustainable development and efficient management of water resources through various schemes such as Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) etc. under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY).
Ninety Nine (99) ongoing Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) projects, including 26 projects of Maharashtra, have been identified in consultation with States for completion in phases up to December, 2019. Based on the inputs available at the time of formulation of the scheme, 7 projects, out of these 26 projects, were tentatively identified for completion by 2016-17.
The progress of the prioritized projects of Maharashtra was reviewed by Secretary (MoWR, RD & GR) & Mission Director (PMKSY) on 27.02.2017. Government of Maharashtra informed that 4 projects out of 7 projects identified for completion by 2016-17 are now planned to be completed by June, 2017. Further, one project which was scheduled for completion by March, 2018 is now planned to be completed by June, 2017. Further, it emerged that various long pending issues related to irrigation projects of Maharashtra have been streamlined and they have been now put on fast track to meet overall completion targets of December 2019.
Project-wise central assistance released under AIBP to Maharashtra during last three years and current year is at Annexure.


Annexure as mentioned in the parts (a) to (d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1433 regarding Ongoing Projects due for reply on 09.03.2017

Central Assistance released to Maharashtra under AIBP
Sl. No. Name of Project Rs. in Crore
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
1 Waghur 37.34 1.70 94.30 81.70
2 Upper Pen Ganga 26.94 1.59 27.53 11.03
3 Bawanthadi 11.86 16.84
4 Lower Dudhana 21.60 1.76 38.21 39.62
5 Tillari 16.35 11.94
6 Nandur Madhmeshwar Phase-II 8.02
7 Lower Wardha 16.88 80.50 102.47
8 Dongaragaon 1.17
9 Bembla Irrigation Project 79.45 2.24 19.49 22.73
10 Sangola Branch Canal 0.66
11 Tarali Project 18.67 1.09 10.04 24.38
12 Dhom balakwadi Project 24.12 1.12 9.53 5.21
13 Morna Gureghar Project 0.33
14 Arjuna Project 0.91
15 Lower Pedhi Project 4.18
16 Wang 0.32
17 Upper Kundlika Project 0.51
18 Lower Panzara Project 2.70
19 Nardave Project 1.27
20 Aruna Project 22.50 0.00
21 Krishna-Koyna Lift Irrigation 54.53 23.09
22 Gadnadi Irrigation 0.10
23 Kudali Irrigation Project 0.0035
(Maharashtra)-Total 279.52 32.00 307.81 359.18

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