Question : GM Seeds

(a) whether the present Seeds Act does not deal with quality control for Genetically Modified (GM) seeds, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether it is a fact that GM seeds are very costly and some times farmers can be misled and there is a strong need to develop protocol for determining the presence or absence of genes incorporated in such seeds, if so, the steps taken by the Government in this regard;

(c) whether a ‘Seeds Village Scheme’ to upgrade the quality of farmers’ saved seeds has been introduced in different parts of the country, if so, the details thereof; and

(d) whether the Government is aware that financial assistance under the scheme has not reached the farmers and if so, the corrective measures taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


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(a) & (b): No Madam, there are adequate provisions under Seeds Act, 1966 and Environment Protection Act, 1986 to control the quality of Genetically Modified crops. In India Bt. cotton is only Genetically Modified crop, approved for commercial cultivation and price of Bt. Cotton seed is regulated through Cotton Seed Price Control Order, 2015. Accordingly, Government has fixed maximum sale price of BG-I Bt. Cotton seed at Rs. 635/- & BG-II Bt. cotton seed at Rs. 740/- for a packet of 450gms. for 2018.

(c) & (d): Yes Madam, Seed Village Scheme is being implemented to upgrade the quality of farmers’ saved seed. Financial assistance for distribution of foundation/certified at 50% cost of the seeds for cereal crops and 60% for pulses, oil seeds, fodder and green manure crops for production of quality seeds is available for one acre per farmer. Under the scheme financial assistance @ Rs. 15,000/- for group of 50-150 farmers is also available for farmer’s training. The physical progress of the scheme is as under:

Year Fund Released
(Rs. in lakhs) Seed villages Oraganised Qty. of Seeds Produced
(in lakh Qtls.) No. farmers covered
(in lakh)
2015-16 6938.892 29277 91.82 21.13
2016-17 7700.501 24198 58.52 16.15
2017-18 14070.008 100280 126.51 30.05
2018-19(as on date) 11367.81 40048 58.09 18.59
Total 40077.211 193803 334.94 85.92

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