Question : Interlinking of Rivers

(a) the salient features of the policy for interlinking of Rivers in the country;
(b) the details of the River linking proposals/projects initiated by the Government along with the current status of each of them, particularly the Sharda-Ganga project;
(c) the budgetary allocation made under the River linking initiative of the Government since its inception and the actual utilization of funds so far;
(d) whether the work of interlinking of rivers is being adversely affected due to various disputes particularly the inter-State disputes on several rivers; and
(e) if so, the details thereof and the steps being taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to overcome such hindrances for smooth execution of the river linking project?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

(a) & (b) The inter-basin transfer of water, through interlinking of rivers (ILR), is considered to be essential for addressing the twin problems of water scarcity and floods. Under the National Perspective Plan (NPP) for ILR prepared by this Ministry, 30 links (16 under Peninsular Component & 14 under Himalayan Component)have been identified for preparation of Feasibility Reports. After survey and investigations, Feasibility Reports of 14 links under Peninsular Component and Feasibility Reports of 2 links & draft Feasibility Reports of 7 links (Indian portion) under Himalayan Component have been completed. Present status of ILR Projects is given at Annexure.

The Sharda- Yamuna link is one of the links identified by National Water Development Agency (NWDA) under the Himalayan Component of NPP. The Sharda-Yamuna link originates from the Pancheshwar Dam - a multipurpose project, which is located on river Sharda (known as Mahakali in Nepal) on the international border between India and Nepal. The Feasibility Report of Sharda – Yamuna link project (Indian portion) was prepared by NWDA in the year 2003. On the basis of the balance water available at tail end of the link, the draft Feasibility Report for subsequent connecting links i.e. Yamuna - Rajasthan link and Rajasthan – Sabarmati link (in Gujarat), which covers U.P., Haryana, Rajasthan, and Gujarat, was also prepared by NWDA. The Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the Pancheshwar multipurpose project is being prepared and finalised by the Pancheshwar Development Authority - recently constituted jointly by Governments of India and Nepal, by considering the latest hydrological and other relevant data. The DPR of Pancheshwar Project as and when finalized and agreed by the two countries will have a bearing on planning of Sharda – Yamuna and subsequent links.

(c) The projects under the ILR Programme are at various stages of planning. As such, till date no expenditure has been incurred on the execution of the projects. However, NWDA has incurred an expenditure of Rs. 588.8 crores during the period for preparation of Preliminary Water Balance Studies, Pre Feasibility Reports, Feasibility Reports and Detailed Project Reports related to ILR programme.

(d) & (e) The Government is pursuing the Interlinking of Rivers programme in a consultative manner. Its implementation is dependent upon the consensus and co-operation of the concerned States and upon obtaining various mandatory clearances from Ministry/ Departments of Central and State Governments including statutory clearances. In order to speed up the implementation of Inter-Linking of River Programme and to arrive at a consensus on the link proposals between the States, a ‘Special Committee for Interlinking of Rivers’, has been constituted by the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation in September, 2014. Nine meetings of the Special Committee for Interlinking of River (ILR) have been held so far, wherein State Irrigation/ Water Resources Ministers along with the Secretaries of various States remained present. The Committee after considering the views of all the stakeholders is taking all necessary steps for expediting the objectives of interlinking rivers programme as per terms of reference of the Committee.

Annexure referred to in reply to parts (a) & (b) of Starred Question No. *77 due for answer in Lok Sabha on 21.07.2016 regarding Interlinking of Rivers.

Sl. No Name States concerned States benefited Status
Peninsular Component
1 Mahanadi (Manibhadra) - Godavari (Dowlaiswaram) link Orissa, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, & Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh& Orissa Feasibility Report Completed
2 Godavari (Inchampalli) - Krishna (Pulichintala) link Orissa, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka & Chattisgarh, Telangana& Andhra Pradesh Feasibility Report Completed
3 Godavari (Inchampalli) - Krishna (Nagarjunasagar) link -do- Telangana Feasibility Report Completed
4 Godavari (Polavaram) - Krishna (Vijayawada) link Orissa, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, & Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh Feasibility Report Completed
5 Krishna (Almatti) – Pennar link -do- Andhra Pradesh& Karnataka Feasibility Report Completed
6 Krishna (Srisailam) – Pennar link -do- -- Feasibility Report Completed
7 Krishna (Nagarjunasagar) - Pennar (Somasila ) link Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh& Karnataka, -do- Feasibility Report Completed
8 Pennar (Somasila) - Cauvery (Grand Anicut) link Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala &Puducherry Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu &Puducherry Feasibility Report Completed

9 Cauvery (Kattalai) - Vaigai -Gundar link Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala &Puducherry Tamil Nadu Feasibility Report Completed
10 Ken-Betwa link
a) Ken-Betwa Link Phase-I

b) Ken-Betwa link Phase-II
Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh

- do- Uttar Pradesh &Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh DPR Phase-I completed in April 2010&DPR Phase-II Completed in January 2014.
11 Parbati -Kalisindh- - Chambal link Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Uttar Pradesh (UP requested to be consulted during consensus building ) Madhya Pradesh& Rajasthan Feasibility Report Completed
12 Par-Tapi-Narmada link Maharashtra & Gujarat Gujarat DPR completed in August 2015

13 Damanganga - Pinjal link
(As per DPR ) Maharashtra & Gujarat Maharashtra (only water supply to Mumbai) DPRCompleted in March 2014.
14 Bedti - Varda link Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka Karnataka Pre-Feasibility Report Completed
15 Netravati – Hemavati link Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & Kerala Karnataka Pre-Feasibility Report Completed
Sl. No Name States concerned States benefited Status
16 Pamba - Achankovil - Vaippar link Kerala & Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu Feasibility Report Completed

Himalayan Component

1. Manas-Sankosh-Tista-Ganga (M-S-T-G) link Assam, West Bengal, Bihar& Bhutan Assam, West Bengal & Bihar FR in progress
2. Kosi-Ghaghra link Bihar , Uttar Pradesh & Nepal Bihar & Uttar Pradesh FR in Indian portion in progress
3. Gandak-Ganga link -do- Uttar Pradesh Draft FR completed(for Indian portion)
4. Ghaghra-Yamuna link -do- Uttar Pradesh FR completed (for Indian portion)
5. Sarda-Yamuna link Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand& Nepal Uttar Pradesh &Uttarakhand FR completed (for Indian portion)
6. Yamuna-Rajasthan link Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana & Rajasthan Haryana & Rajasthan Draft FR completed
7. Rajasthan-Sabarmati link -do- Rajasthan & Gujarat Draft FR completed
8. Chunar-Sone Barrage link Bihar & Uttar Pradesh Bihar & Uttar Pradesh Draft FR completed
9. Sone Dam – Southern Tributaries of Ganga link Bihar & Jharkhand Bihar & Jharkhand FR in progress
10. Ganga(Farakka)-Damodar-Subernarekha link West Bengal, Orissa & Jharkhand West Bengal, Orissa & Jharkhand Draft FR completed
11. Subernarekha-Mahanadi link West Bengal & Orissa West Bengal & Orissa Draft FR
Kosi-Mechi link Bihar , West Bengal & Nepal Bihar PFR completed. FR to be taken up Entirely lies in Nepal
13. Farakka-Sunderbans link West Bengal West Bengal Draft FR completed
14. Jogighopa-Tista-Farakka link (Alternative to M-S-T-G) -do- Assam, West Bengal & Bihar Alternative to M-S-T-G Link. Not to be taken up.

FR -- Feasibility Report
PFR – Pre feasibility Report
DPR – Detailed Project Report
S&I -- Survey and Investigation
MCM -- Million Cubic Meters

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