Question : Modernisation of Police and Jail

(a) whether the Government has received requests from various States to sanction additional funds for modernisation of State police force;

(b) if so, the total number of such requests received and the action taken by the Government thereon along with the time by which additional funds are likely to be granted, State-wise including Kerala;

(c) the names of the States which have formulated State action plan under the said Scheme;

(d) whether funding for part A and B of the States plan will be provided together or Separately and if so, the details thereof;

(e) the steps taken by the Union Government to ensure proper utilisation of these funds;

(f) whether any irregularities in the utilisation of the funds provided by Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) for modernisation of Tihar Jail and other jails have been reported; and

(g) if so, the details thereof and the corrective steps taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) : Yes, Madam, during the year 2015-16, twelve proposals for additional allocation were received from States. The details are at

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Annexure. Since, the implementation of MPF has just begun with respect to 2016-17, this question does not arise for this financial year.

(c): Under the scheme of Modernisation of Police Forces (MPF), the State Governments formulate annual State Action Plans (SAPs) every year as per the guidelines issued by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and submit the same to MHA for approval of High Powered Committee. During the Financial Year 2015-16, all the 29 States submitted their respective SAPs, which were approved by HPC. In current year, i.e., 2016-17, as on date, three states namely, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu and Kerala have submitted their annual SAP as per their requirements .

(d): Each State formulates its SAP which comprises of Part A(Main Plan) and Part B(Supplementary Plan). While funding of Main Plan is based on normal allocation of funds, Part B (Supplementary Plans)are considered for funding on the availability of funds due to non-submission of utilization certificates for the grants released during earlier years.
(e): The Utilization Certificates for the funds released during previous years are to be furnished by the State Governments duly certified by the competent authority for the funds released under MPF Scheme.

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The States are regularly reminded for submission of UCs. Further, to ensure proper utilization of funds, a quarterly concurrent audit is being conducted by the Internal Audit Wing of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

(f) & (g): The Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) have stated that they do not provide funds to Tihar Jail and other jails for Modernisation. However, it has been stated that during an internal review of research projects, a case of use of forgery and fraudulent methods to obtain research projects on “Status of Correctional Programs including Prison Industries on Reformation and Rehabilitation of Prisoners” was detected. After conducting detailed enquiry in the matter the research project was cancelled and the entire amount of Rs. 13, 71,154/- for the study has been recovered. The matter has also been referred to local police at Lodhi Road police station, New Delhi.

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