(a) the details of projects undertaken by the Gas Authority of India Limited
(GAIL) in the field of oil exploration; and
(b) the amount spent by GAIL therefor and the achievements made therefrom?
(a) the details of projects undertaken by the Gas Authority of India Limited
(GAIL) in the field of oil exploration; and
(b) the amount spent by GAIL therefor and the achievements made therefrom?
Minister of state in the Ministry of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI R.P.N. SINGH)
(a) Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) has participated in 36 Exploration
& Production (E&P) blocks (32 in India and 4 overseas) and 3 Coal Bed Methane
(CBM) Blocks. Out of these, 9 E&P blocks (7 in India and 2 Overseas) and 3 CBM
Blocks have been relinquished. At present GAIL has participating interest in 27 E&P
blocks. GAIL is the Operator in two onland blocks each one in Rajasthan basin and
Cauvery basin. Three exploratory wells have been drilled by GAIL in the Rajasthan
basin during the year 2011-12 and acquisition of 3D Seismic data is in progress in
Cauvery basin.
(b) The investment made by GAIL in E&P and CBM Blocks (till Financial Year
2010-11) is Rs. 2218.54 Crores. The investment made during the year 2011-12 till
December 2011 is Rs. 356.70 Crores.
Hydrocarbon discoveries have been made in 9 E&P blocks. Commercial production of
crude oil is in progress from one onland blocks (Cambay onland) where GAIL holds
50% participating interest and current oil production is about 1200 Barrels of oil
per day (bopd). Two E&P blocks (in Myanmar) are in development. Appraisal activities
are in progress in 4 E&P blocks. Two E&P blocks have been relinquished as the
hydrocarbon discovery was not found to be commercial.
Exploration activities are in progress in balance 18 E&P blocks. Drilling of wells
is in progress in Mumbai offshore block, KG onland block and in Tripura onland block.