(a)to (c) DIKSHA has an average page hit of 5+ crores spanning across 5340+ crores minutes of learning with 2.44 lakh e-contents hosted live as of date. The page hits on DIKSHA from 1st April 2020 is 2,821+ crores, making the total learning sessions of 449+ crores.DIKSHA is an open access repository, free for all citizens. Student registration is not mandatory on DIKSHA platform to access resources.
(d) & (e) Curriculum & textbook linked digital content are disseminated through DIKSHA via QR (Quick Response) codes called Energized Textbooks (ETBs). Several states conduct periodic assessments to track child-wise improvement in the learning levels and also the achievement of learning outcomes. Based on the data received, an evaluation strategy is designed and implemented to monitor performance by States.
For continuous capacity development, programs of teachers such as NISHTHA integrated teacher training has been initiated (Elementary, Secondary and FLN) on DIKSHA. To ensure the effectiveness and learning of the participants, merit-based certificates are provided only to participants who score 70% or above in the course assessment. To understand the user behavior and also improve on the content dissemination, several states analyze the average time spent on the content and also the rating & feedback comments by the user. To ensure time bound reach and effectiveness of the courses, states circulate data dashboards with on-ground coordinators at district & block levels to reach the last mile.
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