Question : Functioning of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs)

(a) whether the Government is running Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in many districts across the country;

(b) if so, the details of the number of farmers and other persons engaged in agricultural activities who benefit from the KVKs on a regular basis;

(c) the details of the budget allocated for the operation of KVKs, and the expenditure incurred thereto;

(d) whether the Government intends to set up a Krishi Vigyan Kendra at the block level in all blocks, and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the details of any other steps undertaken by the Government to enhance the access to scientific agricultural practices for farmers?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Government has established 721 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in 636 districts across the country.

(b) The details of the number of farmers who were benefitted from KVK activities during the year 2019-20 are given in Annexure-I.

(c) During 2019-20, an amount of Rs. 98904.07 lakh has been allocated for the KVK Scheme and an expenditure of Rs. 97972.85 lakh has been incurred.

(d) There is no such proposal under consideration as of now.

(e) The Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare has set up a network of Agricultural Technology Management Agencies in 691 districts of the country for making available the latest agricultural technologies and Good Agricultural Practices to the farmers. Besides, farmers are provided agro-advisories through mKisan Portal; farm radio programmes and DD Kisan Channel. In addition, 21 Kisan Call Centres have been set up for providing information to farmers.

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