Question : Assistance for Crop Loss in Maharashtra

(a) whether Maharashtra particularly Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara and Mumbai districts and Madhya Pradesh specially Mandsaur district were affected by unprecedented rains and floods in recent months and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether this has caused damage to a large quantum of standing crops and high value horticulture crops in these districts and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government has received proposals from the State Governments seeking financial assistance for loss of crops;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the response of the Union Government thereto;

(e) whether the Government has sent a Central team to the affected districts to evaluate and ascertain the extent of crop losses and if so, the details thereof along with the outcome thereto; and

(f) the steps taken/being taken by the Government for providing training and scientific knowledge to the farmers to minimize such crop losses due to heavy rains and floods in the country?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): As per memorandum submitted by State Government of Maharashtra 29 districts of the State were affected by floods including Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara and Mumbai. Further, as per memorandum submitted by State Government of Madhya Pradesh 39 districts of the State were affected by floods including Mandsaur.

(b) to (e): Primary responsibility for disaster management rests with the State Government. Central Government extends all possible logistics and financial support to the States to supplement their efforts to meet the situation effectively. The State Government undertakes assessment of damages and provide financial relief in the wake of natural disasters including floods, from the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) already placed at their disposal. Additional financial assistance is extended from the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) as per the laid down procedure, which includes an assessment based on the visit of an Inter-Ministerial Central Team (IMCT).
In the instant case, even before the receipt of memorandum from the State Governments of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, Ministry of Home Affairs has constituted IMCT which have visited the affected areas of Maharashtra from 29th August to 1st September, 2019 and Madhya Pradesh from 19th to 20th September, 2019 and again from 14th to 16th October, 2019 for on-the-spot

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assessment of damages. State Government of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh have submitted memorandum seeking assistance of Rs.2110.62 crore and Rs.6621.28 crore respectively from NDRF. Based on the interim report of IMCT on Maharashtra, an interim amount of Rs.600 crore ‘on account basis’ has been sanctioned to the State of Maharashtra. Final additional financial assistance under NDRF to both the States will be considered after consideration of IMCT reports by the High Level Committee, as per laid down procedure.

(f): Based on the forecast of weather and Monsoon the appropriate cropping pattern is recommended for the benefits of the farmers. Indian Council of Agriculture Research - Central Research Institute of Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad in collaboration with State Agriculture Universities prepares crop contingency plan for all problematic districts in the country to sustain agriculture production in the eventuality of any sudden change in weather. Based on the Crop Weather Watch Report advisories are issued to the States/ Union Territories for implementation of contingency plans. Besides there is also a system to send weather based advisory to registered farmers by SMS through m-kisan portal.


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