(a) whether the agencies hired for survey work in connection with Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP) during the last three years and current year were technically and professionally competent to conduct field survey in rural areas;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the criteria adopted by these survey agencies to hire local persons from various States /UTs including Bihar;

(d) whether the survey agencies conducted field survey in a transparent and statistically sound manner and informed Gram Panchayats as well as other stakeholders about the survey objectives;

(e) if so, the details thereof;

(f) the details of funds released to each of the agencies that conducted survey in NGP applicant villages in the country including Bihar during 2010 and 2011;

(g) whether some State Governments including Bihar raised verbal and written objections to the findings of these survey agencies; and

(h) if so, the details thereof and the action taken by the Government in this regard, State/ UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): Yes sir, the agencies hired for survey work in connection with Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP) during last three years were selected on the basis of their technical and professional competency. The agency had to meet the following criteria :

i. It should be a legal entity eligible to enter into an agreement/contract with the Department to undertake work contract in India.

ii. Experience of at least 3 years in conducting such surveys related to rural development in at least three different States of India.

iii. The agency must have a permanent establishment of its own with at least 20 field supervisors/officials on its roll having experience in conducting such survey with minimum educational qualification of Graduation.

iv. A minimum annual turnover of Rupees Fifty Lakh or more during the last three years.

v. The nodal officer for the survey should be a post graduate preferably in Statistics, Social Work, Economics, MBA/ with 15 years of experience in the field of Water Supply, Sanitation, Health and Hygiene.

During the current year, states have given responsibility for selecting Gram Panchayats for Nirmal Gram Puraskar.

(c): The Terms of Reference (ToR) did not specify any criteria for hiring of local persons. However the ToR stipulated that the survey agency had to assign sufficient member of survey teams so as to cover all the allocated GPs within the stipulated time frame. Each survey team was to consist of 1 supervisor and at least 2 investigators. All the members of the team were to be at least graduates and at least one of them was to be able to communicate effectively in the local languages.

(d)&(e): Yes, sir. The details are as follows. As per the ToR, the following methodology and procedure were prescribed for carrying out the surveys :

i. Households should be selected following Cluster Random Sampling technique so as to invariably represent all the villages or clusters of GP in the same proportion as total BPL and APL and SC/ST households in the GP. 50% of the respondents in the households covered should be women.

ii. All schools, Anganwadis and community toilets should be visited and the toilets inspected in the GP. The team shall also interview all the students in Primary classes and collect information to ascertain (a) How many have Toilets in their houses and (b) Usage of toilets by them and their family members.

iii. Discussions should be conducted with GP members, School teachers, Anganwadi workers, NGOs, ANM and district/block level officials.

iv. The survey team should spent at least 1 night in the GP to ascertain whether the practice of open defecation has been eliminated/stopped or not by visiting the traditional places of open defecation in the evening , at night and in the wee hours of the morning.

v. The survey team shall visit all the villages/clusters in the GP to assess the general cleanliness in the village and see if any garbage/waste is dumped near any public drinking water source/public areas/panchayat bhawan etc. The survey team shall also see if there are any choked drains in the village or pools of stagnant water that can act as breeding place for mosquitoes and report the same in the specified format.

vi. To collect a copy of resolution banning open defecation in the village and check whether the same has been documented in the register of resolutions of the Gram Sabha.

(f): the details of funds released to each of the agencies that conducted survey in NGP applicant villages in the country including Bihar during 2010 and 2011 is at Annexure-1 and 2.

(g)&(h): No such objection was raised by Bihar Government. However a representation was received from State of Maharashtra during year 2009-10 regarding NGP 2009. The same was examined and the matter was settled by informing the State that it would not be possible to review those cases for Nirmal gram Puruskar 2009 in view of the facts of the case.