(a) whether Identity Cards have been issued to every voter in the country as laid down by the Election Commission of India;
(b) if not, the reasons therefor; and
(c) the total expenditure incurred so far and anticipated for this work?
(a) whether Identity Cards have been issued to every voter in the country as laid down by the Election Commission of India;
(b) if not, the reasons therefor; and
(c) the total expenditure incurred so far and anticipated for this work?
(a) & (b) : The process of registration of electors and preparation of photo Identity Cards of electors are continuous and ongoing processes. It is not possible to cover all the electors under the scheme of issue of I. Cards at any given point of time. The Election Commission has informed that about 38 crores electors representing 62 per cent of the eligible electors of the country have so far been provided these cards. The scheme has not so far been extended to the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The work in this regard has also not started in Assam and Mizoram till now although the programme has been extended to these States.
(c) : A sum of Rs.419,45,61,710/- has been released by the Central Government to the States/Union territories specifically for expenditure on the scheme of electors` Photo Identity Cards between 1994-95 and 1999-2000. In this connection, it may be stated that as the scheme is being implemented by the State Governments/Union territory Administrations directly and the Central Government`s role is limited to reimbursement of their share (on 50:50 basis) to them as and when the same is claimed by them, it is not possible to anticipate the likely expenditure in this regard.