(a) whether there is any project under way to provide water to farmers for cultivation under any method of Non-Conventional Energies / Solar System;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether there is any proposal to provide water to villagers under solar energy system; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a), (b), (c ) & (d): The Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources is implementing schemes relating to Solar Photovoltaic water pumping systems, water pumping windmills and bio-mass based gasifier water pump-sets to provide water to farmers and other beneficiaries for irrigation and meeting other requirements.

Under the scheme of the Ministry, solar photovoltaic water pumping systems are available with a combination of subsidy and soft loan. All categories of users are eligible to purchase solar photovoltaic water pumping systems. The scheme is being implemented through the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) and the State Nodal agencies. The manufacturers and suppliers of solar photovoltaic pumps, who are empanelled with IREDA, are eligible to supply pumping systems under the scheme. The Ministry is providing a subsidy of Rs. 125 per watt of PV array used with the water pumping system, subject to a maximum of Rs. 2,50,000 per pumping system. In addition to subsidy provided by the Ministry, a user can avail soft loan from IREDA at 5% annual interest rate on the 90% amount of the remaining unsubsidised portion of the pumping system`s cost. The Ministry provides interest subsidy to IREDA. Water pumping systems with PV array capacity of 200 Watts to 3000 Watts are covered under the scheme. So far a total number of 3164 pumping systems have been installed under the scheme.

The scheme on water pumping windmills is implemented through the state nodal agencies. The manufacturers of windmills are also eligible to directly market their systems to the users. Water pumping windmills suitable for pumping water from shallow as well as deep wells are covered under the scheme. The Ministry is providing financial assistance of Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 45,000 for installation of a windmill depending on its model. A total of 618 water pumping windmills have been installed under the scheme. The Ministry is implementing another scheme on the use of biomass gasifiers for water pumping implemented through state nodal agencies. The Ministry provides financial assistance of 25% of the cost of pump-sets or Rs. 1500 per hp for pump-sets above 25 hp rating and Rs. 1200 per hp for pump-sets up to 25 hp rating, whichever is less. An additional 10% financial assistance is available for beneficiaries belonging to islands, North- Eastern states and Ladakh and to the weaker sections of the society such as scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.