(a) & (b) State-wise details of villages covered by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) with mobile facility along with rural BTS (Base Transceiver Station) working, villages covered with VPT (Village Panchayat Telephone) facility and villages covered with broadband service are given at Annexure-I, Annexure-II and Annexure-III respectively. The details of areas where BSNL is the sole provider offering broadband and landline and mobile services are not maintained by BSNL/Government.
(c) to (e) In order to provide telecom facilities to uncovered villages following initiatives have been taken by Government through BSNL in rural areas:
i. BSNL is providing wireline broadband services covering 651 out of 656 District Headquarters (DHQ), 6137 out of 6454 Block Headquarters (BHQ) and more than 173000 villages have been covered with broadband facility.
ii. Government of India has planned to provide broadband facility to all Gram Panchayats (GPs) in phased manner. Under first phase of project, 1 lakh GPs are to be connected by laying underground Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) by March, 2017. As on 20.11.2016, OFC has been laid to 63,631 GPs with a total length of 1,45,693 km. Out of these, 14,009 GPs have been provided with broadband connectivity. In second phase, connectivity will be provided to remaining 1.5 lakh GPs by September, 2018.
iii. 2186 mobile towers have been set up in LWE (Left Wing Extremism) affected states.
iv. Under Comprehensive Telecom Development Plan for North-Eastern Region (NER) with an estimated cost of Rs.5336.18 crores which is funded from Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF). 6673 mobile towers are planned to provide mobile coverage to 8621 identified uncovered villages. 321 mobile towers along National Highways in NER are also planned.
v. 7317 mobile towers have been installed with financial support from USOF under Shared Mobile Infrastructure Scheme for the villages having population of 2000 or more and not having mobile coverage.
vi. 6,56,345 broadband connections have been provided and 15,671 kiosks have been set up in rural and remote areas under agreement between USOF with BSNL for Rural Wireline Broadband Scheme towards providing broadband connection by using existing rural exchanges infrastructure and copper wire-line network.
vii. BSNL has undertaken following steps to strengthen broadband network and increase internet speed:
1) Augmentation of Broadband core network links.
2) Peering with many content providers.
3) Installation of Catching Server in BSNL Network
4) Augmentation of Broadband Network traffic carrying capacity by upgradation of various equipments involved in delivering Internet Services.
State/Circle wise details of Village covered with Mobile services (as on 30.9.2016)
Sl No. Name of circle/ Metro Distt. Total Villages in country Total no of Villages covered Total Rural 2G BTS working
1 Andaman & Nicobar 501 323 101
2 Andhra Pradesh 27800 22633 4774
3 Assam 26395 20291 848
4 Bihar 44874 28045 2224
5 Chennai 1544 1515 363
6 Chhattisgarh 19567 12306 1233
7 Gujarat 18309 13238 2494
8 Haryana 6,841 4,475 1,606
9 Himachal Pradesh 19786 16930 947
10 Jammu & Kashmir 6652 5289 726
11 Jharkhand 29354 22021 1271
12 Karnataka 29340 22022 3233
13 Kerala 1489 1489 3772
14 Kolkata 437 437 0
15 Madhya Pradesh 51929 30470 2181
16 Maharashtra 44010 20972 4574
17 North East I 8646 2799 494
18 North East II 9514 5205 497
19 Odisha 51313 27872 2163
20 Punjab 12313 11321 2090
21 Rajasthan 41353 26343 2655
22 Tamil Nadu 13595 12162 2763
23 Uttar Pradesh (East) 80573 71766 3849
24 Uttar Pradesh (West) 23781 14255 1662
25 Uttarakhand 16853 13485 711
26 West Bengal 38405 25516 1829
Total 6,25,174 4,33,180 49,060
Annexure – II
State/Circle wise details of villages covered/yet to be covered with VPT facility
(as on 30.09.2016)
No. Name of
Circle No. of villages assigned for VPT facility as per census 2001 No. of villages yet to be covered with VPT facility
1 Andaman & Nicobar 501 149
2 Andhra Pradesh 26613 1491
3 Assam 25124 432
4 Bihar 39032 91
5 Chhattisgarh 19744 1416
6 Gujarat 18159 58
7 Haryana 6764 86
8 Himachal Pradesh 17495 86
9 Jammu & Kashmir 6417 30
10 Jharkhand 29354 514
11 Karnataka 27481 30
12 Kerala 1372 0
13 Madhya Pradesh 52117 131
14 Maharashtra 41442 726
15 North East I 7347 328
16 North East II 7456 1209
17 Odisha 47529 2184
18 Punjab 12301 236
19 Rajasthan 39753 83
20 Tamil Nadu 15492 0
21 Uttar Pradesh (East) 74161 16
22 Uttar Pradesh (West) 23781 74
23 Uttarakhand 15761 135
24 West Bengal 38405 834
Total 593601 10339
Annexure III
Status of Broadband Service coverage in Telecom Circles as on 31-10-2016
S. No. Circle District HQ Block HQ Villages
Total Covered Total Covered Total Covered
1 Andaman & Nicobar 3 3 7 5 501 120
2 Andhra Pradesh 23 23 1126 1126 27800 13125
3 Assam 27 26 219 179 26395 6995
4 Bihar 38 38 534 454 44874 8043
5 Chhattisgarh 27 27 146 141 19567 4315
6 Chennai 3 3 27 27 1544 1544
7 Gujarat 33 33 161 161 18309 7970
8 Haryana 21 21 119 119 6841 4630
9 Himachal Pradesh 12 12 78 77 19786 8163
10 Jammu & Kashmir 22 22 143 92 6652 2533
11 Jharkhand 24 24 211 211 29354 2736
12 Karnataka 30 30 176 176 29340 11235
13 Kerala 14 14 152 152 1489 1367
14 Kolkatta 5 5 19 19 437 0
15 Madhya Pradesh 51 51 313 313 51929 6142
16 Maharashtra 36 36 362 362 44010 11290
17 North East-I 19 19 112 75 8646 535
18 North East-II 40 36 181 80 9514 1889
19 Odisha 30 30 314 314 51313 10093
20 Punjab 24 24 138 138 12313 10021
21 Rajasthan 33 33 247 247 41353 5672
22 Tamil Nadu 31 31 362 362 13595 9380
23 Uttar Pradesh (East) 48 48 582 582 80573 25763
24 Uttar Pradesh (West) 27 27 239 239 23781 3753
25 Uttarakhand 13 13 95 95 16853 2923
26 West Bengal 22 22 391 391 38405 12831
Total 656 651 6454 6137 625174 173068
%age of coverage 99.24% 95.09% 27.68%
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