Question : GM CROPS

(a) the details of Genetically Modified (GM) crops grown in our country and other countries of the world;

(b) whether the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and other scientific institutions in the country have conducted research and field trials before their introduction in the country;

(c) if so, the outcome of these trials, crop-wise;

(d) the GM crops likely to be introduced in the next two years; and

(e) the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to ensure extensive evaluation and regulatory approval process before commercial cultivation of GM crops in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Bt Cotton is the only Genetically Modified (GM) crop grown in the country. World-over cotton, maize, soybean, canola, potato, alfalfa, rice, sugar beet, linseed, papaya, squash, poplar, sweet pepper, tomato, wheat and tobacco are commercially grown in different countries. However, other approved GM crops are carnation, rose, bean, petunia, chicory, creeping bent grass, melon, plum and brinjal as per International Service for the Acquisition of Bio-Tech Applications (ISAAA, 2011).

(b) & (c): It is mandatory to conduct trials of GM crops before their introduction in country as per regulatory guidelines and procedures under rules 1989 of EPA 1986. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research and other scientific institutions are involved in conduct of research and field trials of Bt cotton, Bt brinjal and other transgenic crops such as rice, maize, mustard, potato, okra, groundnut, chickpea, sorghum, watermelon, sugarcane and cauliflower & cabbage during 2006 – 2012. So far, only Bt cotton was introduced for commercial cultivation in the country.

(d) As biosafety assessment of GM crops is a long drawn process, it is not possible to indicate which GM crops are likely to be approved.

(e) The Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) bill is under consideration of the Government which ensures extensive evaluation and regulatory approval process before commercial cultivation of GM crops in the country.