(a) whether the Union Government has directed the States/Union Territories to adopt compulsory earthquake resistant technique in construction of houses/colonies in the urban areas of the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the response of the State Governments thereto; and

(c) the action plan formulated by the Government to instruct the authorities concerned and the people living in Delhi for retrofitting so as to make houses earthquake resistant?

Answer given by the minister


(a): There are no mandatory directives issued by Union Government to adopt compulsory earthquake resistant techniques in construction of houses / colonies in the urban areas of the country.

(b)&(c): However, following steps have been taken to formulate necessary advisory framework in the country:

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) have developed following Indian Standards related to earthquake resistant design and construction techniques for various types of construction:

i. IS 1893 (Part-1):2000 – Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures

ii. IS 4326:1993 – Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings – Code of Practice

iii. IS 13827:1993 – Improving Earthquake Resistance of Earthen Buildings – Guidelines

iv. IS 13828:1993 – Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low Strength Masonry Buildings – Guidelines

v. IS 13920:1993 – Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to Seismic Forces – Code of Practice

vi. IS 13935:2009 – Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings- Guidelines

National Building Code 2005 brought out by BIS inter-alia gives provision for planning, design and construction of earthquake resistant construction techniques.

Disaster Management Act 2005 is in place and National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) issues guidelines related to the earthquake safety from time to time. There is also a National Policy on Disaster Management 2009 which has been approved by the Union Cabinet on 22nd October, 2009.

To facilitate State Governments in making necessary amendments in their Town & Country Planning Acts, Development Control Rules and Bye-laws for safety against earthquake hazards, a Model Town and Country Planning Legislation, Zoning Regulation Development Control and Building Regulation/Bye-laws for safety against natural hazards have been prepared by an Expert Committee constituted by Ministry of Home Affairs. All the States have been advised to amend their respective Acts/Bye-laws/Regulations so that construction activities are regulated with respect to safety against earthquake hazards. Workshops have also been organized to help them in making necessary amendments.

Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) under the aegis of this Ministry has undertaken activities like propagation and demonstration of seismic retrofitting in important schools and hospitals in various regions including Delhi, to bring in greater awareness in this regard.

‘Land’ and ‘Colonisation’ are State subjects and therefore it is the primary responsibility of States to amend their existing regulations to make the requisite provisions for compulsory adoption.