Question : Scheme for Sanitization in Maharashtra

(a) whether the Government has reviewed the progress of the scheme for sanitisation and to strengthen infrastructure in rural areas across the country including Maharashtra;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the details of amount spent so far on the ongoing rural development works in rural areas in Nanded in Maharashtra?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b) Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) [SBM(G)] was launched by the Government on 2nd October, 2014 with the main aim to make the country Open Defecation Free (ODF) by 2nd October, 2019, by providing access to toilets to all the rural households. The progress under the programme is regularly reviewed/monitored by Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation through the online Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) of SBM (G) and review meetings held with the States. As per the data reported by the States/UTs on the IMIS, more than 10.8 crore individual household latrines (IHHLs) and 1,99,755 Community Sanitary Complexes (CSCs) have so far been constructed from 02.10.2014 to 13.12.2021, across the rural areas of the country (including Maharashtra). State/UT-wise details of IHHLs and CSCs constructed under SBM (G) are given at Annexure. The Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation has also conducted three rounds of National Annual Rural Sanitation Survey (NARSS) during 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20, through an Independent Verification Agency. As per the results of NARSS 2019-20, 94.4% rural households had access to toilets. Rural sanitation coverage in the country as on 2.10.2014 was 38.7%. This has now increased to 100% and all the villages in the country (including Maharashtra) have declared themselves ODF. Having achieved the outcomes of ODF, Phase II of SBM (G) is now being implemented with the focus to sustain the ODF status and to cover all villages in the country with Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) by 2024-25 i.e. to convert the villages from ODF to ODF Plus.

(c) Under SBM (G), Centre share funds are released to the States. Further, distribution of the same to the districts is done by the States. Total Centre share funds amounting to Rs.4594.47 crore have been released to Maharashtra under SBM (G) from 2014-15 to 2021-22, and as per the utilisation certificates submitted by the State, Rs.4125 crore have been utilised.

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