Question : Maoist Activities

(a) whether the elimination of naxal cadres rose by a sharp 65 per cent and the surrenders by the extremists have recorded 85 per cent increase during the last three years;

(b) whether currently 90 per cent of Maoist activities are limited to 35 districts though they have a hold over pockets in 68 districts in 10 States;

(c) if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether the Government is considering to involve Army and use air power in the fight against naxals in various parts of the country;

(e) if so, the details thereof; and

(f) the measures taken to speed up the execution of developmental schemes in the naxal affected areas?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Elimination of LWE cadres has increased by 88.6% while surrenders have increased by 92.2% in last three years (2015-17) as compared to the preceding three years (2012-2014).
(b) & (c) In 2017, the 35 most affected districts accounted for 88.5% (804 out of 908) of LWE related violent incidents. Just 20 districts accounted for 80% of the violence. LWE violent incidents were reported from only 58 districts across the country in 2017. District wise details of violence of 35 most affected districts is annexed.
LS.US.Q.NO.3989 FOR 20.03.2018
(d) & (e) No, Madam. There is no plan to involve the Army in the fight against Left Wing Extremism except for the ongoing training assistance. Helicopters made available for LWE affected States are used only for logistic purposes.
(f) The Government has a multi-pronged strategy to deal with Left Wing Extremism which involves security related measures, developmental interventions and ensuring rights & entitlements of local communities etc. The strategy has resulted in an overall improvement of the security situation both in terms of reduction in violence and geographical spread of Left Wing Extremism thereby creating conditions that are conducive for speedy development work.
Other measures taken to ensure faster execution of development work include simplification of forest clearance procedures. In addition, regular coordination meetings and reviews are undertaken at the level of the Home Minister, Cabinet Secretary and Home Secretary with line ministries and the States to ensure removal of any hurdles in execution of projects. All these measures have contributed towards speedier execution of development schemes.


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