Question : Rising Imports from China

(a) whether the rising imports from China have taken a heavy toll on the employment-generation potential of manufacturing sector, especially among the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof and the total quantity and value of products got imported from China in the last three years, year-wise;
(c) whether the imposition of antidumping duties on Chinese products have failed to provide desired results as they are relatively few compared with the amount of Chinese dumping that takes place; and
(d) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister


(a)& (b): The rising imports from China and other countries do impact the domestic industry including manufacturing sector and MSME enterprises. Government has been implementing various schemes/programmes to help the micro, small and medium enterprises compete effectively with imports from China and other countries. To promote the domestic manufacturing, schemes like ‘Make in India, ‘Digital India’, Software Technology Parks(STPs), Electronics Hardware Technology Park (EHTP) Scheme/ Export Oriented Unit (EOU) Scheme, Special Economic Zone Scheme (SEZ) etc. which provide support for promoting domestic manufacturing capacity in the country, are under implementation.

The details of top 50 Principal Commodity Group-wise India’s importfrom China in terms of quantity and value for the last three years and 2018-19 (upto November, 2018) are attached as Annex-I.

(c)& (d) :Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) initiates trade remedial investigations on the basis of a duly substantiated petition filed by the domestic producer with a prima-facie evidence of injury to the domestic industry. Such applications submitted by domestic industry are processed as per the procedure and within the time limits specified under the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 and the rules made there under. DGTR conducts investigations and recommends imposition of duty, wherever appropriate, to the Department of Revenue by issuing preliminary/final findings. Acting upon recommendations of the DGTR, the Department of Revenue may impose the provisional or definitive duties. As on 18.12.2018, the trade remedial measures are in force on 105 products imported from PR of China.

In order to encourage MSMEs to approach DGTR in case of unfair trade practices being adopted by the exporters and to make them aware of the available trade remedial measures, DGTR has embarked on a series of outreach programmes. These outreach programmes are conducted by the investigation teams while visiting the domestic industries for onsite verification. Further, a facility of Help Desk has been made available at DGTR to guide the domestic manufacturers about the Trade Remedial Measures.

Top 50 Commodities imported from China in the last three financial years 2015-16 to 2017-18 and current year 2018-19 up to November, 2018

TELECOM INSTRUMENTS 10093.36 11307.83 15594.19 5741.24
ELECTRONICS COMPONENTS 3514.48 4440.91 5496.19 3717.92
COMPUTER HARDWARE, PERIPHERALS 4413.69 4071.73 5026.08 2838.13
INDL. MACHNRY FOR DAIRY ETC 2866.60 2839.89 3418.77 2449.83
ORGANIC CHEMICALS KGS 1282621407 2416.74 1091826325 2187.94 1323004578 2931.53 1005442304 2483.59
ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENTS 1926.26 2134.42 2531.12 1598.43
ELECTRIC MACHINERY AND EQUIPME 2170.23 2036.72 2463.32 1733.90
CONSUMER ELECTRONICS 2204.17 2151.60 2362.31 1524.74
RESIDUL CHEMICL AND ALLED PROD 1458.94 1636.77 2168.78 1741.05
BULK DRUGS, DRUG INTERMEDIATES KGS 158286479 2120.15 169225985 1826.34 191174327 2055.94 135700802 1666.13
AC, REFRIGERATION MACHNRY ETC 1045.79 1249.52 1638.61 1028.48
IRON AND STEEL TON 4525032 2359.26 2059971 1346.71 2136676 1621.05 1052481 1000.18
PRODUCTS OF IRON AND STEEL 1181.85 1229.86 1469.68 1164.87
SHIP, BOAT AND FLOATING STRUCT 1264.90 1454.44 1208.98 66.67
PLASTIC RAW MATERIALS TON 536768 823.53 650905 897.57 732093 1178.04 452539 867.61
AUTO COMPONENTS/PARTS 898.78 868.58 1164.41 848.95
OTHER COMMODITIES 854.82 839.80 1093.83 750.59
FERTILEZERS MANUFACTURED TON 8909000 3261.92 3911288 1244.16 3070012 1065.35 3185075 1374.65
OTHER MISC. ENGINEERING ITEMS 751.06 902.05 1064.11 688.23
ACCUMULATORS AND BATTERIES 510.49 608.78 947.88 708.17
MANMADE YARN,FABRICS,MADEUPS 853.93 798.59 938.28 689.39
ALUMINIUM, PRODUCTS OF ALUMINM TON 247617 717.59 243756 696.90 252538 794.39 261618 809.82
MACHINE TOOLS 431.70 544.89 748.19 552.15
AGRO CHEMICALS KGS 33000125 332.65 59676456 506.10 61521061 726.69 45847741 504.24
OTHER PLASTIC ITEMS 477.81 516.24 684.11 417.19
CRANES, LIFTS AND WINCHES 410.30 692.05 671.90 476.80
OTH TXTL YRN, FBRIC MDUP ARTCL 487.19 432.17 670.85 402.58
COAL,COKE AND BRIQUITTES ETC TON 2636215 364.40 2266266 402.79 2059469 642.52 1573387 553.78
PROJECT GOODS KGS 106094311 994.11 107631453 763.00 178084426 609.54 182617187 382.27
GLASS AND GLASSWARE 406.91 478.34 607.66 468.73
MOULDED AND EXTRUDED GOODS 484.41 537.77 607.32 369.02
PAPER, PAPER BOARD AND PRODUCT 362.11 434.50 602.47 357.45
OTH NON FEROUS METAL AND PRODC 399.31 445.35 587.21 413.38
OTHER CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY 352.71 416.10 580.49 485.94
HANDCRFS(EXCL.HANDMADE CRPTS) 412.54 401.23 555.35 293.02
INORGANIC CHEMICALS KGS 750437087 502.39 497466025 428.99 522224453 531.33 667786377 528.99
MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTRUM 342.62 388.01 510.51 341.76
CERAMICS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS 576.54 379.57 476.25 300.88
PLASTC SHT, FILM, PLTS ETC KGS 132723633 294.29 138634310 318.72 183474068 476.02 137651263 522.62
OTHER MISCELLAENIOUS CHEMICALS KGS 72475754 393.44 70815197 338.58 82808843 420.87 65009579 388.96
IC ENGINES AND PARTS 176.18 265.22 397.18 226.47
PAINT, VARNISH AND ALLID PRODC KGS 103679581 227.37 114291748 245.61 131814235 360.04 90886529 256.79
SILVER KGS 775896 384.51 793516 440.69 595672 326.31 518314 259.77
PLYWOOD AND ALLIED PRODUCTS 272.54 254.95 324.45 185.32
PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TON 879523 243.08 920413 213.11 1032193 313.84 492341 187.86
OPTICAL ITEMS (INCL.LENS ETC) 135.20 137.69 296.79 189.77
ATM, INJCTNG MLDING MCHNRY ETC 215.05 240.20 292.90 196.29
HND TOOL, CTTNG TOOL OF METALS 213.76 182.63 266.76 199.89
FOOTWEAR OF RUBBER/CANVAS ETC. 147.14 167.84 256.03 140.73
COPPER AND PRDCTS MADE OF COPR 185.58 197.24 245.60 163.06
OTHER 3773.59 3742.32 4358.70 3094.27
TOTAL IMPORT FROM CHINA 61707.95 61283.03 76380.70 48352.56
*Figures for the financial year 2018-19 are provisional and are subject to change.

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