(a) whether a large number of villages in the country are without electricity particularly, in West Bengal till now;

(b) if so, the details thereof State- wise;

(c) the number of villages proposed to be electrified during 2005-06 and in the next year State-wise;

(d) whether any proposal has been received for funding of Solar Power projects in the non-electrified villages;

(e) if so, the details thereof, State-wise;

(f) the details of Solar Power projects under implementation in the country; and

(g) the amount of subsidy/grants disbursed year-wise for Solar Power projects State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a),(b) & (c): As per the 2001 census data 1,19,570 inhabited villages are yet to be electrified in the country out of which the number of unelectrified inhabited villages in West Bengal is 6240. The State-wise details of unelectrified villages are given in Table-1. Under the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana of Ministry of Power, a tentative target for electrification of 50,000 villages has been proposed during 2005-06 and 2006-07. State-wise targets have not been set.

(d),(e)&(f): Yes, Sir. The Ministry is implementing Remote Village Electrification Programme for electrification of those unelectrified villages where grid connectivity is either not feasible or not cost effective. These villages are being electrified with various non-conventional energy sources including solar power. The State-wise break-up of the villages already electrified and under electrification through solar power are given in Table-2.

(g): The state-wise details of subsidy released under the Remote Village Electrification Programme since 2001-02 are given in Table-3.

Table - 1

Table -1 referred to in reply to part (a),(b) &(c ) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3642 for 16.12.2005

State-Wise Details Of Un-electrified villages in the country
S.No.	State	Un-electrified villages
1 Andhra Pradesh 48 2 Arunachal Pradesh 1528 3 Assam 6043 4 Bihar 19764 5 Chattisgarh 1212 6 Gujarat 126 7 Haryana 5 8 Himachal Pradesh 604 9 Jammu & Kashmir 116 10 Jharkhand 21713 11 Karnataka 710 12 Madhya Pradesh 1643 13 Maharashtra 744 14 Manipur 272 15 Meghalaya 2766 16 Mizoram 16 17 Nagaland 62 18 Orissa 9866 19 Rajasthan 2477 20 Sikkim 45 21 Tripura 40 22 Uttaranchal 2630 23 Uttar Pradesh 40900 24 West Bengal 6240


Table -2 referred to in reply to parts (d), (e) & (f) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3642 for 16.12.2005

State-Wise Number Of Villages Electrified And Under Electrification Through Solar Power Systems
S.No	State	2002-03	2003-04	2004-05	2005-06	Under	Implement-ation
1 Arunachal Pradesh 3 - 47 9 13 2. Assam 36 - 3 - - 3 Chattisgarh 30 152 53 - - 4. Gujarat - - 2 - - 5. Jammu & Kashmir 90 - - - 50 6. Jharkhand - - 24 - 84 7 Madhya Pradesh - - - - 48 8. Maharashtra - - - - 16 9. Manipur - - 106 - 28 10. Mizoram - - - 7 13 11. Meghalaya - - 24 1 - 12. Orissa 8 10 - - - 13. Rajasthan - - - - 24 14. Tripura - - 16 - 30 15. Uttranchal 139 52 - 132 - 16 Uttar Pradesh - - - - 250 17. West Bengal 245 312 90 39 145

Table - 3

Table 3 referred to in reply to part (g) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3642 for 16.12.2005

State-Wise Details Of Funds Released Under The Remote Village Electrification Programme
(Rupees in Lakhs)
S.No.	State	2001-02	2002-03	2003-04	2004-05
1 Andhra Pradesh 108.50 2 Arunachal Pradesh 108.63 484.00 66.08 3 Assam 88.50 23.00 4 Chattisgarh 241 595.00 332.13 8.00 5 Gujarat 8.61 6 Haryana 83.88 7 Himachal Pradesh 12.00 15.00 8 Jammu & Kashmir 744.30 607.00 511.50 9 Jharkhand 105.80 837.41 10 Madhya Pradesh 109.25 11 Maharashtra 313.63 12 Manipur 730.00 33.00 79.01 13 Meghalaya 322.55 175.85 14 Mizoram 144.75 15 Orissa 42.89 16 Rajasthan 184.50 176.22 17 Sikkim 8.60 18 Tamilnadu 367.00 19 Tripura 93.00 741.50 1062.40 20 Uttaranchal 165.00 344.61 720.05 50.52 21 Uttar Pradesh 199.40 1342.70 0.57 22 West Bengal 150.00 357.00 2388.95 72.05