(a) whether the procurement of aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya (ex-Admiral Gorshkov) is likely to face further delay as reported recently and if so, the details thereof indicating the number of times such delays have occurred since the deal was signed;

(b) the original cost and delivery schedule of the carrier vis-a-vis the revised cost and delivery schedule;

(c) whether the aircraft carrier is currently undergoing extensive trials with Russian and Indian crew on board and snags have been reported in the carrier and if so, the details of the faults detected in the carrier since the purchase deal;

(d) whether there is penalty clause in the deal to restrict any type of delay and if so, the details thereof and the action taken by the Government in this regard; and

(e) the revised schedule of induction of the aircraft carrier in the Navy and the steps being taken to meet the operational requirements of the Navy at present?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Madam. The delivery of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya has been delayed to the last quarter of 2013 as against envisaged delivery schedule of December, 2012. Earlier, the original delivery date / schedule was revised from August 2008 to December 2012.

(b) The total Project cost for Vikramaditya as approved by Government in 2004 was USD 974.28 million with delivery scheduled in August, 2008. In March 2010, the cost was renegotiated and increased to USD 2.3 billion with revised delivery date as December, 2012. The total cost of the project would remain at USD 2.3 billion at the time of delivery in last quarter of 2013.

(c) The aircraft carrier was subjected to extensive trials for the first time for 108 days from 8th June 2012 to 23rd September 2012. A part of the Indian crew was also on board, undergoing training during the sea trials. During this period, a substantial scope of ship’s equipment and aviation trials were completed. However, the main propulsion plant trials to full power could not be completed during sea trials due to defects encountered on boiler section. Rectification of the defect is likely to take six months. Post contract conclusion in 2004, the ship was put to sea for the first time in June, 2012 and that is when these defects were encountered.

(d) Liquidated Damages (LD) clause for delays in delivery is incorporated in the contract. As per contract, LD is to be ascertained and levied within six months of ship`delivery.

(e) The revised schedule of induction is last quarter of 2013.In the interim, the operational requirement of the Navy would be met by INS Viraat, which would remain in service till the indcution of Vikramaditya.