Question : Basic Infrastructural Facilities at Ancient Temples

(a) whether there are many ancient temples in the country which attract a lot of domestic and foreign tourists but lack in providing basic infrastructure facilities affecting tourism adversely;
(b) if so, whether the Government has any plan to provide basic infrastructure facilities in these famous ancient temples in the country;
(c) the quantum of funds allocated under Tourism Development Fund to States/Union Territories during each of the last three years and the current year;
(d) whether the Government has initiated new projects and programmes to attract tourists in the country,
(e) if so, the details thereof; and
(f) the details of towns and regions declared as heritage throughout the country State/UT-wise along with the salient features of the heritage towns as per existing norms?

Answer given by the minister


(a): No, Sir.

(b) and (c): Development of Tourist places/Pilgrimage Centres is the responsibility of respective State Government/UT. Ministry of Tourism, under the schemes viz., Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual, Heritage Augmentation Drive (PRASHAD) and “Integrated Development of Theme Based Tourist Circuit in the Country, Swadesh Darshan (SD)" provides Central Financial Assistance for infrastructure development and beautification of Tourist Places/Pilgrimage Centres on receipt of suitable DPRs submitted by State Governments/Union Territories, subject to availability of funds, liquidation of pending utilisation certificate against the fund released earlier and adherence to the relevant scheme guidelines.

Details of the projects sanctioned under the scheme and funds released to State Governments/UTs is annexed.

(d) to (f): As per the information received from Archaeological Survey of India (A.S.I.), they maintain 3691 centrally protected monuments/sites including temples all over the country, out of which certain temples attracts lot of domestic and foreign tourist. ASI takes steps to provide visitor facilities like drinking water, toilet blocks, facilities for differently-abled, pathways, cultural notice boards/signage, vehicle parking, cloak rooms, etc. at World Heritage Monuments, ticketed monuments, other important monuments where footfall is very high. Further, it is observed the increase in number of visitors at ASI monuments.

Providing tourist amenities/facilities at protected monuments where such facilities are not available and upgrading existing facilities is a continuous phenomenon.

The expenditure on providing tourist facilities or upgrading existing facilities is made out from allotted budget of ASI.”


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