Question : Qualification for Rio Olympics-2016

(a) whether several countries of the world are expediting their preparation for
Rio Olympics-2016 whereas only a few players of the country are able to
qualify for the said Olympics with minimum standards;
(b) if so, whether the Government has made any efforts to identify the players
who have the potential to win medals for the country;
(c) if so, the names of probable strong contenders for medals; and
(d) the details of the efforts made in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) 57 athletes (25 in individual events and 16 members each of men and
women Hockey team) have already qualified for participation in Rio Olympics
2016. More sportspersons are expected to qualify for participation in Rio
Olympics 2016 as the qualification process will go on upto the first week of July
Preparations for improving the performance of the sportspersons and teams
of the country in international sports events including Rio Olympics 2016 is an
ongoing exercise. Coaching camps, customized training within the country and
abroad with scientific back-up, competition exposures and engagement of
foreign coaches are planned accordingly.
(b) to (d): The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports have formulated a Scheme
namely, ‘Target Olympic Podium (TOP) Scheme’ with the objective of identifying
and supporting potential medal prospects for 2016 and 2020 Olympic Games.
Focused disciplines are Athletics, Archery, Badminton, Boxing, Wrestling and
106 athletes have been identified so far through a process of research and
consultation with the National Sports Federations and National Coaches/
Experts of the relevant disciplines. Financial assistance is being provided to
these athletes for customized training and other support. The list of athletes
identified under TOP Scheme is attached as ANNEXURE-I.

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