Question : Employment Oriented Education

(a) the details of various initiatives taken to improve the quality of education at all levels i.e. from Primary to University level under the New Education Policy (NEP);
(b) the amount of funds earmarked for the said purpose, year-wise;
(c) the funds proposed to be allocated to various States including Haryana, Assam and other North-Eastern States;
(d) whether the Government has received any proposals from the State Governments to make education employment oriented at Secondary level so that the students can get gainful employment after passing Class XII and if so, the details thereof; and
(e) the efforts made by the Government to introduce vocational education at school level in various States including Haryana, Assam and other North-Eastern States?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.



(a): The National Education Policy 2020 recommends various initiatives in school education as well as higher education including technical education.
The following initiatives have been taken by Government of India to improve the quality of education at all levels under the NEP 2020:
1. The Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Samagra Shiksha and PM Poshan have been aligned to the recommendation of NEP 2020.
2. National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy (NIPUN Bharat) has been launched under SamagraShiksha for ensuring that every child in the country necessarily attains foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) by the end of Grade 3, and e-content for the same has been released in DIKSHA platform.
3. NISHTHA integrated training programme 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 Integrated Teacher Training Programme has been introduced for different stages of school education for Teachers, Head Teachers/Principals and other stakeholders in Educational Management.
4. Learning Outcomes for the Secondary level have been notified.
5. National Achievement Survey (NAS) 2021 has been conducted on 12th November 2021 by the Ministry of Education to evaluate children''s progress and learning competencies as an indicator of the health of the education system, to take appropriate steps for remedial actions at different levels.
6. A 70 indicator based matrix Performance Grading Index (PGI) has been developed to grade the States/UTs. District level Performance Grading Indices (PGI) has been prepared and a Web application for compilation of PGI-District has been developed.
7. The Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning levels (SAFAL) framework has been developed by CBSE and launched on 29th July 2021 for Competency-based assessment in CBSE schools for grades 3, 5 and 8 focusing on testing for core concepts, application-based questions and higher-order thinking skills.
8. VIDYA PRAVESH—Guidelines for Three-month Play-based School Preparation Module for Grade-I Children, has been released on 29th July 2021 to ensure that all children are exposed to a warm and welcoming environment when they enter Grade-I.
9. Introduction of Indian Sign Language as a subject at secondary level by National Institute of open Schooling (NIOS).
10. Launch of on-line Module on AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Public Awareness.
11. Guidelines for setting up of Academic Bank of Credit have been issued.
12. Guidelines on Multiple Entry/Exit in Academic Programmes offered in Higher Education Institutions.
13. AICTE has approved 19 colleges offering 1st Year Engineering Programmes in Regional Languages.
14. Guidelines for Internationalisation of Higher Education issued.
15. Framework for National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR) has been issued & National Education Technology Forum (NETF) has been set up.
16. Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) (Mains) and National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (UG) ( NEET) are now conducted in 13 languages.
17. To enhance access to students, regulations have been amended enabling more HEIs to offer Online / ODL programmes and also offering of online course component has been increased from 20% to 40% in a degree programme.
18. To promote equity, AICTE has also launched National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT), a PPP initiative, to provide the best-developed ed-tech solutions to SEDG learners free of cost.

(b): Revised Budget allocation of Ministry of Education for 2020-21 was Rs. 85,089.07 crores and Budget allocation for 2021-22 is Rs. 93,224.29 crores. Budget Estimates for 2022-23 is Rs. 104277.72 crores.

(c): Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Samagra Shiksha during 2021-22, the State-wise details of funds allocated to various States including Haryana, Assam and the other North-Eastern States, are at Annexure – I.

(d) and (e): The Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Samagra Shiksha aims at integrating Vocational Education with general academic education in all Secondary/Senior Secondary schools; enhancing the Employability and Entrepreneurial abilities of the students, providing exposure to the working environment; and generating awareness amongst students about various career options to choose in accordance with their aptitude, competence and aspirations. The scheme covers Government and Government aided schools. Various new interventions under revamped Samagra Siksha Scheme relating to Vocational Education include the following:
• The provision for Hub and Spoke Model has been made. Under this model, the infrastructure available in the Hub schools is utilised by the students of nearby schools (spoke schools) for vocational training. Under the Hub & Spoke model initiated from this year, 139 Hub schools and 241 Spoke schools have been approved for the year 2021-22.
• Exposure to pre-vocational education at the Upper Primary level, internships, bagless days etc has been included under the Innovation component of Samagra Shiksha. 6316 Schools are approved for providing Exposure of Vocational Education to Upper Primary in the year 2021-22.
The States submit proposals under the component of Vocationalisation of School Education as part of the Annual Work Plan and Budget of Samagra Shiksha which are considered by the Project Approval Board of Samagra Shiksha.

Till date, 14435 schools have been approved for Vocational Education under Samagra Shiksha. The State-wise details including Haryana, Assam and the other NER States, covered under Vocational Education Component of Samagra Shiksha are at Annexure-II.


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