(a) the details of projects/fields in various States including Rajasthan wherein atomic energy is being used; and

(b) the cost of each of these projects?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) In India, atomic energy is used for large number of applications in the following fields:

i. Nuclear power;

ii. Nuclear fuel cycle, which includes all operations from mining to fuel manufacture, reprocessing and disposal of spent nuclear fuel after vitrification;

iii. Production of radio-isotopes in research reactors, followed by their applications in health care and industry;

iv. Development of indigenous technologies for purification of water by removal of salinity and hazardous chemicals and the transfer of such technologies to Indian industry;

v. Development of mutant breeder seeds and deliveries for meeting various objectives, including higher productivity, disease resistance, drought resistance etc.
vi. Development and application of advanced technologies in the field of electronics and instrumentation, computers, accelerators, lasers etc.;

vii. Research, education and health care in the field of cancer;

viii. Research and education covering basic sciences, higher mathematics;

ix. Research, development and deployment in areas pertaining to national security;

x. Delivery oriented applied research in scientific and technological domains relevant for the programmes of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).

In order to support the above mentioned fields of activities, a large number of projects are being implemented throughout the country. Details of some of the major sanctioned projects in the country, costing more than ` 300 crore are provided below:

Sl. Name of the Project Location Cost No. (`In crore)
Nuclear Power Projects
1 Kudankulam Nuclear Tamil Nadu 17270 Power Project Units 1 & 2, Kudankulam 2 Kudankulam Nuclear Tamil Nadu 39747 Power Project Units 3 & 4, Kudankulam 3 Prototype Fast Tamil Nadu 5677 Breeder Reactor at Kalpakkam 4 Rajasthan Atomic Rajasthan 12320 Power Project Units 7 & 8, Rawatbhatta 5 Gorakhpur Haryana Haryana 20594 Anu Vidyut Pariyojana, Gorakhpur 6 Kakrapar Atomic Gujarat 11459 Power Project Units 3 & 4, Kakrapar
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
7 Fast Reactor Fuel Tamil Nadu 9589 Cycle Facility (FRFCF), Kalpakkam 8 Integrated Nuclear Maharashtra 6657.56 Reprocessing Project (INRP), Tarapur 9 Nuclear Fuel Rajasthan 2011 Complex, Kota 10 Additional BARC Andhra 1079 Complex, Pradesh Visakhapatnam
Health care
11 Homi Bhabha Punjab 480 Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Mohali 12 Homi Bhabha Andhra 400.93 Cancer Hospital Pradesh and Research Centre, Visakhapatnam 13 National Hadron Maharashtra 425 Beam Therapy Facility, Mumbai

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