(a)&(b): The State wise details of Annual Action Plan (AAP) approved and funds provided
under the National Horticulture Mission (NHM) during 2005-06 are given at Annexure-I.
(c)&(d): Setting up of infrastructure facility for Post Harvest Management (PHM) including
markets is a part of the NHM. The State-wise details of projects approved for PHM and markets
as per the AAP during 2005-06 are given at Annexure-II.
(e): To ensure quality control, assistance is being provided to States under NHM for
developing facilities like sanitary and phyto-sanitary labs, disease forecasting units, bio-control
labs, plant health clinics and leaf/tissue analysis labs under the public as well as private sector.
Statement showing total amount approved & released to the States under
National Horticulture Mission during 2005-06.
(Amount Rs. in Lakh)
S.No. States Total Outlay Total Release
1. Andhra Pradesh 8718.01 4420.96
2. Bihar 8470.00 3100.00
3. Chhattisgarh 5029.00 2037.83
4. Delhi 900.00 0.00
5. Gujarat 6844.00 3239.28
6. Goa 788.06 315.20
7 Haryana 2097.17 1050.00
8. Jharkhand 5990.37 2800.00
9. Karnataka 8521.90 4455.17
10 Kerala 7582.53 3533.98
11. Madhya pradesh 5971.00 2388.40
12. Maharashtra 16128.00 8260.28
13. Orissa 7499.00 3611.91
14. Punjab 6021.00 2868.82
15. Rajasthan 4102.00 2259.57
16. Tamil Nadu 7572.00 3891.67
17. Uttar Pradesh 11519.88 5340.25
18. West Bengal 8451.10 4035.31 Total 122205.02 57608.63
Statement showing number of projects sanctioned for Post
Harvest Management (PHM) and Markets under NHM during 2005-06
S.No. States PHM (No.) Market (No.)
1. Andhra Pradesh 95 61
2. Bihar 31 69
3. Chhattisgarh 43 28
4. Delhi 24 -
5. Gujarat 9 2
6. Goa 76 15
7 Haryana 40 -
8. Jharkhand 15 60
9. Karnataka 686 78
10. Kerala 27 61
11. Madhya pradesh 263 187
12. Maharashtra 12 50
13. Orissa 20 87
14. Punjab 8 51
15. Rajasthan 15 23
16. Tamil Nadu 50 182
17. Uttar Pradesh 150 55
18. West Bengal 227 71 Total 1791 1080