Question : Forest Areas

(a) the details of the policy and scheme of the Government for developing forest areas in the country, State/UT-wise particularly in Rajasthan; and
(b) the steps taken/schemes formulated by the Government regarding forest area in Rajasthan and the progress made in this regard during the last three years?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Government of India enunciated the National Forest Policy, 1988 to be followed in the management of State Forests in the country. Main thrust in the existing National Forest Policy, 1988 is the conservation of forests which includes preservation, maintenance, sustainable utilization, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment.

The National Forest Policy, 1988 is applicable in all States/UTs which prescribes the national goal to have a minimum of one-third of the total land area of the country under forest or tree cover. Rajasthan State Forest Policy 2010 proposes to have 20 percent forest cover of the total geographical area of the State.

To achieve the target as envisaged in the National Forest Policy, 1988 including expansion of forest area and maintaining the existing forest cover of the country, afforestation programmes are being taken up under various Centrally Sponsored Schemes such as National Afforestation Programmes (NAP) and Green India Mission (GIM) being implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Afforestation activities are also taken up under various programmes/funding sources such as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, Compensatory Afforestation and under concerned State/UT schemes/plans.

GIM aims at protecting, restoring and enhancing India’s forest cover and responding to Climate Change. NAP is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme for afforestation and eco-restoration of degraded forests and adjoining areas through people’s participation.

Apart from afforestation schemes, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change also implements other Centrally Sponsored Schemes such as Intensification of Forest Management (IFMS) and Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitat (IDWH) in forest area of the country. Under IFMS, the scheme aims to support efforts of States/UTs for forest protection. Under IDWH, financial assistance as well as technical assistance is provided to States and UTs for better protection and conservation of wildlife and its habitat.

As per information received from Government of Rajasthan, the major/ important ongoing schemes of Forest Department are NABARD financed Afforestation Project, Rajasthan forestry and Biodiversity Project, Rajasthan State CAMPA, Climate Change & Combating Desertification, National Forest Development Programme, Reforestation of Degraded Forests, Bhankhara Canal Plantation, Gang Canal Plantation, Environment Forestry and Farm Forestry.

(b) Under National Afforestation Programme, over 21 lakh hectare area sanctioned for treatment under afforestation and eco-restoration of degraded forests in the country including the State of Rajasthan through people’s participation since inception in 2000 with an investment of Rs. 3874 crores till 2018-19.

GIM activities were started in the financial year 2015-16. A sum of Rs. 282.12 crores has been released to twelve states for undertaking the afforestation activities over an area of 109722.156 hectares.

Government of India has released Rs 47436.18 crores to the 27 States/UTs, out of which Rs. 1748.26 crores was released to Rajasthan under Compensatory Afforestation Fund for activities like compensatory afforestation, artificial regeneration, assisted natural regeneration and other allied forestry activities.

Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of IFMS, a total of Rs. 378.04 lakh released to Rajasthan in the last three years for forest protection and improvement of forest areas in the State.

In addition, under the major/ important nine ongoing schemes of Rajasthan Forest Department, a total of 122394.70 hectares has been afforested during last three years and 139.70 lakhs of seedlings were distributed to farmers, schools, Panchayats etc for plantation under farm forestry.

Further, the concerted efforts of Central and State Government through various schemes/steps have, resulted in an increase of 466 sq. km of forest cover in Rajasthan between 2015-2017.

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