Question : Coastal Transportation of Coal

(a) whether CRISIL has undertaken a research on coastal transportation of coal;

(b) if so, the salient findings of the research; and

(c) the measures being taken by the Government to increase the coastal transportation of coal ?

Answer given by the minister



(a) : No, Madam.

(b) : Question does not arise.

(c) : An Inter- Ministerial Committee on augmenting coastal shipping of Coal and other commodities/products have been constituted. Ministry of Shipping is the nodal Ministry for the Committee. The terms of reference of the committee are as follows:-

• Review and approve the strategy for coastal shipping of coal including annual targets for volumes of coal, which can be transported by rail-sea-rail route;
• Periodically review and approve the implementation roadmap and associated projects for achieving the agreed targets;
• Approve actions for addressing issues related to inter Ministry or Inter agency Coordination;
• Periodically collect feedback from all relevant stakeholders (power utilities, coal producers, railways, Shipping companies/logistics service providers, ports, etc.) to fine-tune the strategy and road map for coastal shipping of coal as well as other commodities.

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