Question : Banned Pesticides

(a) whether the pesticides banned in foreign countries are being used by the farmers in our country at a large scale;

(b) if so, the details of such pesticides; and

(c) the side effect of such pesticides which have been banned in foreign countries?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) to (c) The Registration Committee constituted under section (5) of the Insecticides Act, 1968 registers the pesticides for use in the country after evaluation of their safety and efficacy. The registration committee while registering the pesticides provides the details of doses, crops, precautionary measures, antidotes etc on Label and Leaflets. The registered pesticides if used as per Label and Leaflets do not pose any harm to human beings, animals, living organisms other than pests. The decision to permit the use of particular pesticide in any country is based on the crops grown in the country, pest spectrum, climatic conditions, geography and other social and economic factors.
The Government of India, from time to time keeps reviewing the continued use or otherwise of those pesticides which are banned/severely restricted in other countries of the world due to their toxic concerns or have been reported to pose harm to human health or environment in our country or other countries of the world. These reviews are undertaken by constituting special committees or through the Registration Committee. Based on the recommendations of these committees and the Registration Committee, the Government ban, restrict, withdraw or refuse registration of pesticides because of their toxicity. (Annexure –I)

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