Question : Agreement with Flipkart under NRLM

(a) whether the Government has entered into any agreement with flipkart for National Rural Livelihood Mission;

(b) if so, the facilities and benefits which are likely to be received by Self Help Groups (SHGs) by this businees agreement;

(c) whether the finished goods are likely to be sold in the country only or there is any possibility to sell abroad also through flipkart; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes Sir.

(b): A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is entered on 2nd November, 2021 between Ministry of Rural Development and Flipkart Internet Pvt. Ltd. to allow the Self Help Groups (SHGs) producers including the artisans, weavers and craftsmen to access national markets through the Flipkart Samarth programme. Self Help Groups (SHGs) are likely to receive the following facilities and benefits through this MoU:

i. SHG members and Clusters (geographical grouping of SHGs) will be provided training support for on-boarding products.

ii. Waiver of all commission charges for selling on the platform for a period of 6 months.

iii. Cataloguing support for a maximum of 100 products per seller.

iv. Other benefits like support for warehousing and account management etc.

(c) The products of Self Help Groups will get exposed to the market in India only for sale through Flipkart.

(d) As on 30th November 2021, 36 SHGs have been registered on Flipkart and 11 products are listed for sale.


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