Question : Survey on Beggars

(a) whether the Government has conducted any comprehensive study/ survey in order to control the existing practices of begging in the country;
(b) if so, the details and outcome thereof along with the number of beggars including women and child beggars in the country, State/UT-wise;
(c) whether the Government is planning to bring all the beggars under the ambit of various policies including financial inclusion and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and
(d) the steps being taken by the Government to eradicate the practice of beggary and for rehabilitation and creating employment opportunities for beggars in the country?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b) The Office of Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (RGI) has informed that according to the Census 2011, the total population of Beggars, Vagrants etc. in India is 413670 which includes a total of 191997 females. The state-wise details are enclosed as Annexure I. The total number of child beggars below 15 years of age in the country, as per Census 2011, are 45296. The state-wise details are enclosed as Annexure II.

(c) & (d) The States are responsible for taking necessary preventive and rehabilitative steps. As per available information, 20 States and 2 Union Territories have either enacted their own Anti-Beggary Legislation or adopted legislations enacted by other States/UTs. Presently, there is no scheme of the Central Government on Beggary. National Consultation Meetings were held with the representatives of Central/State Governments, NGOs, Institutes and Individual Experts in the field of Beggary to discuss the issues related to Beggary. In these meetings, it was inter-alia, recommended to explore the feasibility of framing a Central Scheme for rehabilitation of Beggars. Accordingly, a Scheme for Protection, Care and Rehabilitation of Destitutes is under formulation which has, inter-alia, provision for providing skill development training to the able bodied destitutes.

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