Question : Vocational Courses

(a) whether the Government proposes to introduce Technical Education and Vocational
Courses as a major educational tool;
(b) if so, whether the Government has made any prospective plan to integrate Technical
Education and Vocational courses with the present educational system;
(c) if so, the details thereof; and
(d) the time by which it is likely to be implemented?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes Madam, the Technical and Vocational Courses are considered as major
educational tools by the present Government.
(b) to (d): This Ministry has introduced the following schemes/programmes for seamless
integration of vocational education with the present conventional education.
(i) National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF): To facilitate mobility from
general to vocational education, and vice-versa, Ministry of Finance had notified
NSQF with the objective to make qualifications more understandable and
transparent. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has directed all its
approved Technical Institutions to train a minimum 100 students every year under
the NSQF.
(ii) Community College: Govt. of India has decided to set up 200 pilot community
colleges in existing colleges/ polytechnics from the academic session 2013 onward.
Community colleges offer credit based courses, which allows banking of credits to
re-entry into the college for skill up-gradation or employment market.
(iii) Skill Assessment Matrix for Vocational Advancement of Youth (SAMVAY): The
document of SAMVAY was released by Hon’ble President of India on 11th November,
2014. The credit framework allows vertical and lateral mobility within vocational
education system and between the current education systems. The credit framework
defines the rules for credit allotment and follows the NSQF regulatory framework. The
Ministry has also conducted a national level workshop on 06th & 07th December, 2014
for implementation of the credit framework for empowering youth through Skill
development. AICTE has also conducted several regional workshops for sensitizing of
SAMVAY with stakeholders such as representatives of State Governments, Principals
of Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics, VCs of Universities etc in the different parts
of the country.

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