Question : Bypass and Road Over Bridge on NHs

(a) the details of the proposals for construction of bypasses and Road Over Bridges (ROBs) on National Highways (NHs) received from Maharashtra during the last two years and the current year along with the proposals approved so far;
(b) the details of the pending proposals along with the reasons therefor and the time by which these are likely to be approved; and
(c) the present status of approved projects along with the funds allocated and utilised for this purpose during the said period?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) By-passes and ROBs are generally constructed as part of road widening projects for uninterrupted movement of traffic on the entire project length . One proposal of construction of four lane Parli Bypass on NH-548B received from State Government of Maharashtra under Annual Plan 2020-21 has been sanctioned for Rs. 60.23 Crore. No proposal of standalone Road Over Bridges (ROBs) on NHs have been received from the State Government of Maharashtra during the last two years and the current year. As regards allocation of funds for bypasses and ROBs, project wise funds are not allocated and funds are released out of overall allocation for the State during a financial year.

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