(a) the details of power loss due to Transmission and Distribution (T&D) during the last three years, State-wise and the measures being taken to minimize the loss;

(b) the current levels of Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) losses of electricity in the country as compared to other countries along with the steps being taken by the Government to reduce the losses in this regard;

(c) the target and achievement of the `Power for All by 2012` scheme and whether inspire of launching of the said scheme one third of the population in the country isstill without power and the peak supply deficit remains high; and

(d) if so, the steps being taken by the Government to reduce the peak power supply deficit and to provide interruption free power to all the citizens of the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) State wise details of power loss due to Transmission and Distribution (T&D), for the year 2008-09, 2009-10 & 2010-11 as per the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) General Review are given at Annex-I.

Electricity is a concurrent subject and the responsibility of electricity distribution rests with the States. Government of India acts as a facilitator in supplementing the efforts of States to provide power to consumers in an improved manner.

(b) As per Power Finance Corporation`s report on Performance of State Power Utilities for the year 2008-09 to 2010-11, Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) losses at national level for the year 2010-11 was 26.15% while T&D losses at internationally are 6% to 8% as per available information.

The steps taken by the Union Government to improve distribution sector and to reduce the AT&C losses of electricity in the country are given in Annex-II.

(c) & (d) The Government of India launched `Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)- Programme for creation of Rural Electricity Infrastructure & Household Electrification, in April 2005 for providing access to electricity to rural households. Under the scheme, 648 projects covering electrification of 1,12,795 un/de-electrified villages (UEV), intensive electrification of 3,96,336 partially electrified villages (PEV) and release of free electricity connections to 2,74,98,652 Below Poverty Line (BPL) households were sanctioned. As on 31.01.2013, the electrification works in 1,06,474 UE villages, 2,87,827 PE villages have been completed and free electricity connection to 2,05,15,472 BPL households have been released under the scheme. The Bharat Nirman targets i.e. electrification of 1 lakh villages and 1.75 crore BPL households by March, 2012 set under RGGVY have been achieved.

The peak power shortage for the period April, 2012 to January, 2013 has been 9% and the energy shortage remained 8.8%.

The steps being taken by the Government to bridge the gap between demand and supply of power in the country include inter-alia the following:

(i) Capacity addition of 88,537 MW during 12th Plan period (2012-2017).

(ii) Rigorous monitoring of capacity addition of the on-going generation projects.

(a) Review of progress of power projects is being done at the highest level by Hon`ble Union Power Minister, Secretary, Ministry of Power and Chairperson, CEA, to identify the constraint areas and facilitate their faster resolution, so that the projects are commissioned on time.

(b) Regular reviews are held at various levels including Ministry of Power, Ministry of Heavy Industries, Ministry of Coal, Planning Commission and Cabinet Secretariat to identify the constraint areas and facilitate faster resolution of inter-ministerial and other outstanding issues.

(iii) Development of Ultra Mega Power Projects of 4,000 MW each.

(iv) Augmentation of domestic manufacturing capacity of power equipment through Joint Ventures.

(v) Coordinated operation and maintenance of hydro, thermal, nuclear and gas based power stations to optimally utilize the existing generation capacity.

(vi) Thrust to import of coal by the power utilities to meet the shortfall in coal supplies to thermal power stations from indigenous sources.
(vii) Renovation, modernization and life extension of old and inefficient generation units.

(viii) Strengthening of inter-state and inter-regional transmission capacity for optimum utilization of available power.