(a) the number of foreign tourists that have come to India during the last three years, State-wise;

(b) whether the tourists inflow has declined during the above period;

(c) if so, the reasons therefor; and

(d) the steps, the Government intend to take to attract more number of tourists to India?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Total number of foreign tourists that have come to India during 1997, 1998 and 1999 are 2374094, 2358629 and 2481928 respectively. State-wise inflow of foreign tourists is not maintained.

(b): There was a marginal decline of 0.7 percent during the year 1998 as compared to the year 1997. However, during the year 1999 there was a positive growth of 5.2 percent as compared to the year 1998.

(c): The primary reasons for a marginal decline during 1998 are the following:

i) The economic crisis in South East Asian countries and the consequent decline in outbound travel from these countries.
ii) The general election in India and the slump in business traffic.
iii) The general recession in many economies.

(d): Various steps taken/intended to be taken to attract more foreign tourists to India include development and improvement of tourist facilities, publicity and marketing efforts in the foreign countries through overseas tourist offices, strengthening institutions of human resources development, use of information technology and encouraging private investment in tourism sector including hotels. Government have also declared Explore India in the Millennium year campaign to attract more foreign tourists.